PCE Working Group Meeting IETF-67, November 2006, San Diego Online Agenda and Slides at: https://datatracker.ietf.org/public/meeting_materials.cgi?meeting_num=67 Co-chairs: JP Vasseur/Adrian Farrel ADs: Ross Callon/Bill Fenner 67th IETF, San Diego, November 2006
67th IETF, San Diego, November 2006 Agenda 1) Agenda/admin (Chairs - 5mn) [5] 2) Working Group progress (Chairs - 10mn) [15] 3) Inter-AS Requirements for the Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCECP) - draft-ietf-pce-interas-pcecp-reqs-01.txt (Raymond/Kenji - 5mn) [20] 4) Update on Inter-Layer Traffic Engineering (Eiji Oki - 5mn) [25] - drat-ietf-pce-inter-layer-frwk-01.txt - draft-ietf-pce-inter-layer-req-02.txt 5) Update on Path Computation Element (PCE) Communication Protocol (PCEP) draft-ietf-pce-pcep-03.txt (JP - 5mn) [30] 6) A set of monitoring tools for Path Computation Element based Architecture draft-vasseur-pce-monitoring-01.txt (JP - 10mn) [40] 7) Requirements for Manageability Sections in PCE Working Group Drafts draft-farrel-pce-manageability-requirements-00.txt (Adrian - 10mn) [50] 8) Definitions of Managed Objects for Path Computation Element Discovery Protocol (PCEDP) (Emile Stefan - 10mn) [60] draft-stephan-pce-disc-mib-00.txt draft-stephan-tc-mib-00.txt 9) Preserving Topology Confidentiality in Inter-Domain Path Computation and Signaling - draft-bradford-pce-path-key-01.txt (Adrian Farrel -5mn) [65] 67th IETF, San Diego, November 2006
67th IETF, San Diego, November 2006 Agenda (Cont) 10) Locate ASBR in PCE draft-zhang-pce-locate-asbr-00.txt - (Mach Chen - 10mn) [75] 11) Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCECP) Requirements for Support of Global Concurrent Optimization - draft-lee-pce-global-concurrent-optimization-00.txt (Young Lee - 10mn) [85] 12) BGP Protocol extensions for PCE Discovery across Autonomous systems draft-vijay-somen-pce-disco-proto-bgp-02.txt - (Prasanna Kumar - 10mn) [95] 13) Path Computation Policy Information Model (PCPIM) draft-bryskin-pce-pcpim-00.txt - (Igor/Lou - 10mn) [105] 14) PCC-PCE Communication Requirements for VPNs draft- yasukawa-pce-vpn-req-01.txt - (Seisho - 5mn) [110] 15) PCC-PCE Communication Requirements for Point to Multipoint Multiprotocol Label Switching Traffic Engineering (MPLS-TE) draft-yasukawa-pce-p2mp-req-01.txt - (Seisho - 5mn) [115] 16) Dynamic Placement of Pseudowires using a Path Computation Element draft-martini-pwe3-ms-pw-pce-00.txt (Luca Martini - 5mn) [120] 67th IETF, San Diego, November 2006
67th IETF, San Diego, November 2006 Working Group Update Progress 3 first RFCs: RFC 4655: A Path Computation Element (PCE)-Based Architecture RFC 4657: Path Computation Element (PCE) Communication Protocol Generic Requirements RFC 4674: Requirements for Path Computation Element (PCE) Discovery Close to LC draft-ietf-pce-disco-proto-igp-02.txt has been split: draft-ietf-pce-disco-proto-isis and draft-ietf-pce-disco-proto-ospf draft-ietf-pce-pcecp-interarea-reqs-03.txt draft-ietf-pce-brpc-01.txt: refreshed, still a few items to be covered (e.g. manageability). 67th IETF, San Diego, November 2006
67th IETF, San Diego, November 2006 Working Group Update Inter-AS PCECP requirement is progressing New revision of PCEP (-03) just posted Base protocol is now stable Few pending items No intent to go to LC before implementations/interop reports Good time for thorough review of PCEP Work on MIBs has started (PCE discovery). Then PCEP ? Start the experimental work on manageability 8 New individual submission IDs posted Comments on the VPN and P2MP requirement IDs would be welcome. Multi-hop pseudo-wire (not explicitly in our charter): please cc the PWE3 WG. 67th IETF, San Diego, November 2006