Integrating the European Census Microdata PROJECT OVERVIEW | COORDINATION | HARMONIZATION | DISSEMINATION The IECM project: Integrating the European Census Microdata IECM team* *A. Esteve, J.Garcia, T. López, M. Valls, A.Cabré Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics Workshop "III Integrating European Census Microdata“. EPC 2008, Barcelona, July 2008
IECM forms part of IPUMS international, a global collaboratory of PROJECT OVERVIEW | COORDINATION | HARMONIZATION | DISSEMINATION IECM forms part of IPUMS international, a global collaboratory of National Statistical Offices and Universities to: 1. Inventory the world’s census microdata 2. Preserve endangered microdata and documentation 3. Integrate census microdata a. use standards of UNSD, EuroSTAT, ISCO, ISCED, etc. b. facilitate comparative research in time and space 4. Anonymize census microdata to preserve statistical confidentiality, using highest standards 5. Disseminate restricted access, custom extracts to approved researchers at no cost Workshop "III Integrating European Census Microdata“. EPC 2008, Barcelona, July 2008
Disseminating: Harmonizing: Negotiating: Contacted: PROJECT OVERVIEW | COORDINATION | HARMONIZATION | DISSEMINATION Disseminating: Austria, Belarus, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom Harmonizing: Czech Republic, Germany Ireland,Slovenia,Turkey, Negotiating: Belgium, Bulgaria, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine Contacted: Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Moldova, Slovak Republic Workshop "III Integrating European Census Microdata“. EPC 2008, Barcelona, July 2008 PROJECT OVERVIEW | COORDINATION | HARMONIZATION | DISSEMINATION Workshop "III Integrating European Census Microdata“. EPC 2008, Barcelona, July 2008
Integrated European Census Microdata PROJECT OVERVIEW | COORDINATION | HARMONIZATION | DISSEMINATION Integrated European Census Microdata Coordination Harmonization Dissemination Meetings: Barcelona 2005 Paris 2006 Lisbon 2007 Barcelona 2008 Integrated Documentation Intra-European classifications Mirror site Additional documentation Data Browser Workshop "III Integrating European Census Microdata“. EPC 2008, Barcelona, July 2008
Browsing IECM data on the web: new tools for data analysis PROJECT OVERVIEW | COORDINATION | HARMONIZATION | DISSEMINATION Browsing IECM data on the web: new tools for data analysis How are we currently disseminating the IECM census microdata? - Through a state of the art extraction system where users can create custom tailored microdata samples Why a data browser? Fast and convenient tool to explore the contents of the database before making an extract Secure form to access microdata It opens census data to a wider audience It prevents users to download microdata (if only basic figures are needed) Some caveats We are not providing official statistics Frequencies are not based on 100% population counts. Sampling erros must be calculated Compared to microdata, cross-tabulated data have less analyitical power Workshop "III Integrating European Census Microdata“. EPC 2008, Barcelona, July 2008
Thanks!!! Albert Esteve PROJECT OVERVIEW | COORDINATION | HARMONIZATION | DISSEMINATION Thanks!!! Albert Esteve Workshop "III Integrating European Census Microdata“. EPC 2008, Barcelona, July 2008