Sustainable Redevelopment Holland BPW Energy Park © Copyright 2017 by ERM Worldwide Group Limited and/or its affiliates (‘ERM’). All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission of ERM. The business of sustainability
Contents Project Planning & Tracking Project Overview Starting Point – Measure your Baselines Envision® Credits (Goals) Project Overview ERM’s Role Sustainable Redevelopment Practices Implementing Sustainable Practices Recycling materials Preserve habitats Think local Attention to details
Project Planning & Tracking Starting Point - Measure Baselines Environmental Baselines Soil & Groundwater Phase I (initial site review) Phase II’s (soil & groundwater samples) BEA’s (protection from historic contamination) Biodiversity Study – Existing Species & Habitats Wetlands & waterbodies Threatened & endangered species Invasive species Noise Monitoring – Local Traffic / Industrial / etc. Vibration Monitoring Explain what PH 1/2/BEAs are. Also, explain how this differs from a typical project (e.g., we wouldn’t likely be doing a biodiversity study but possibly noise and vibration monitoring)
Project Planning & Tracking Envision® Credits Understanding the credits and categories that apply to the work. HBPW needed us track our work for the following credits: Quality of Life Develop Local Skills and Capabilities Resource Allocation Use Regional Materials Divert Waste From Landfills Reduce Excavated Materials Taken Off-Site Protect Fresh Water Availability Natural World Preserve Wetlands and Surface Water Preserve Greenfields Prevent Surface and Groundwater Contamination
Project Planning & Tracking Envision® Credits Natural World (continued) Preserve species biodiversity Control invasive species Action plans should be produced for each category before work starts to know what to track during the project. *It’s hard to go back and get documentation after the project is complete
Project Area – How do we get here? Holland Energy Park Earns Envision® Platinum Award
Redevelopment Area – 20 Acres Mixed Use Industrial Wetland Residential Commercial Trash Dump
Project Overview ERM’s Role Initial Environmental Site Assessments Building Materials Characterization Biodiversity Study Decontamination, Demolition, & Disposal (“DDD”) Soil Remediation
ERM’s Role Initial Environmental Site Assessments To assess risks on each property and for clean-up liability protection Phase I’s / Phase II’s / BEA’s Get involved early - as properties are acquired Qualified as a “Brownfield” under Envision® Due care plans for contaminated properties to mitigate risk Contamination plume migration notices under Part 201 Building Materials Characterization Asbestos surveys Lead based paint surveys Survey of abandoned containers with hazardous substances Test concrete & bricks for reuse (crushing)
Initial Site Assessments
Building Material Characterization
ERM’s Role Biodiversity Study – Identify & Protect Habitats Perform a desktop habitat and species assessment Regulated wetlands assessment Threatened and endangered species assessment Perform on-site habitat and species assessments Wetland delineations Bird & amphibian surveys Invasive species Reed canary grass Phragmites Giant knotweed = big problem
Biodiversity Study - Habitats
Biodiversity Study – Bird Survey
Biodiversity Study – Bird Survey
Biodiversity Study – Bird Survey
Biodiversity Study – Frog Survey
Biodiversity Study – Giant Knotweed
ERM’s Role (continued) Decontamination, Demolition, Disposal (“DDD”) Scope of Work / Permits / Contracting / Health & Safety Planning Asbestos & lead abatement Dust & noise monitoring Soil erosion & sediment control Universal waste removal (fluorescent bulbs, mercury switches, etc.) Water well abandonments Clearing & grubbing Demolition of ~30 buildings/structures Recycling materials Invasive species control Site restoration Documentation
DDD - Plan Save These Buildings Save These Trees
Soil Remediation Soil Capping Former gas station along Chicago Drive Petroleum impacted soils were capped in place rather than sent to a landfill
Sustainable Redevelopment Practices Divert Waste From Landfills Most materials can be recycled (83% achieved) Concrete = crush it Metal = sort it and recycle Trees & brush = chip it on-site and use it as mulch Logs & stumps = donate for wetlands, parks, firewood Tires = recycle (chips for playgrounds, etc.) HBPW offered the public a chance to reclaim household items Protect Surface Water and Groundwater Soil erosion and sediment controls – silt fence and wattles Dust monitoring – 4 stations recorded conditions Abandon old groundwater wells – prevent aquifer contamination
Sustainable Redevelopment Practices Use Regional Materials Imported sand and topsoil - was sourced locally Looked at possibly using Lake Macatawa dredged sand; however, it didn’t meet the engineering requirements Reduce Excavated Materials Taken Off-Site Reused excavated soils on-site during demolition Some contaminated soil could stay and be capped, others removed Preserve Wetlands and Surface Water Removed 15 tons of trash / debris from wetlands Treated invasive species
Sustainable Redevelopment Practices Attention to Details Honeybees were discovered a few times during the project A local beekeeper was hired to relocate the bees
The End Questions?