By: Cassidy Rohlfing, Paige Oblack, Erin Long Nematoda By: Cassidy Rohlfing, Paige Oblack, Erin Long
What is a Nematoda? Bilateral Feeds on a Host Organism Human, Dogs, Cats, etc. Move by contraction of muscles Thrashing
Nervous System Present 4 peripheral nerves along body Dorsal= motor control , Lateral= Sensory, Ventral= both motor control and sensory Fuse at head and tail Ring formed around pharynx known as "brain" Sensory bristles on body
Digestive System one- way Sharp stylet in mouth Pharynx -> muscle less intestine Valves at ends of intestines Intestine lined by cuticle (rectum)
Excretory System Complex Removes Nitrogenous waste -> ammonia 1 pore cell, 1 duct cell, 1 canal cell, pair of glands Cell collects fluid, empties through duct Cells joined at secretory- excretory junction Pass through duct-> outside of body
Circulatory System Diffusion/osmosis Exchange through skin Circulation
Respiratory System Diffusion Obtains oxygen Without use of complex organs
Skeletal System or Support Absent Cuticle outer covering Shape and support Leverage point for movement Sheds 4 times
Reproductive System Reproduction is sexual Majority are Dioecious Only one sex Hookworm Some Hermaphrodites
Different Classes of Nematodes Ascaris Live in soil Most common infection Live in intestine Eggs faced in feces Block intestines and cause disease Hookworm Host= small animals and humans Eggs passed in feces Enter through soles of feet Infections cause blood loss
More Classes of Nematodes Filaria Human lymph system Spreads by mosquito bites of infected Causes elephantiasis
Other Facts Where the name "round worm" comes from Area they live (soil, H2O, host) Bucket of soil – 1 million Parasitic
Body Cavity Not a true body cavity Have a pseudo coelom Fluid filled body cavity that contains organs
Work Cited invertebrates/nematoda system.html Https:// l
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