A business report should be ... ACCURATE CONCISE CLEAR OBJECTIVE
A report should be ... ???? true facts, precise wording, supporting data, reference to sources all the important ideas in as few words as possible no repetitions (KISS) easy to read clear organisation of the text: sections, subsections, headings, subheadings, paragraphing, numbering…. not too long sentences all the relevant information included (not biased) impersonal style (e.g. absence of emotional words, verbs in passive?,...)
A report should be ... ACCURATE true facts, precise wording, supporting data, reference to sources ???? all the important ideas in as few words as possible avoid repetitions (KISS) easy to read clear organisation of the text: sections, subsections, headings, subheadings, paragraphing, numbering…. not too long sentences content: include all the relevant information (do not be biased) impersonal style (e.g. absence of emotional words, use of passive?,...)
A report should be ... ACCURATE true facts, precise wording, supporting data, references CONCISE all the important ideas in as few words as possible repetitions avoided (KISS!) ???? easy to read clear organisation of the text: sections, subsections, headings, subheadings, paragraphing, numbering…. not too long sentences all the relevant information included (not biased) impersonal style (e.g. absence of emotional words, use of passive?,...)
A report should be ... ACCURATE true facts, precise wording, supporting data, reference to source CONCISE all the important ideas in as few words as possible avoid repetitions (KISS) CLEAR easy to read clear organisation of the text: sections, subsections, headings, subheadings, paragraphing, numbering…. not too long sentences ???? content: include all the relevant information (do not be biased) impersonal style (e.g. absence of emotional words, use of passive?,...)
A report should be ... ACCURATE true facts, precise wording, supporting data, reference to sources CONCISE all the important ideas in as few words as possible avoid repetitions (KISS) CLEAR easy to read clear organisation of the text: sections, subsections, headings, subheadings, paragraphing, numbering…. not too long sentences OBJECTIVE all the relevant information included (not biased) impersonal style (e.g. absence of emotional words, use of passive?,...)
STRUCTURE: In what order should this information be presented in your report? Where did I find the data for my report? (How were the data collected? Are they reliable?) What can generally be concluded from all this? (Overall conclusion?) What is it all about? (Purpose? For whom? Deadline?) What do the detailed results of my analysis show? (Detailed facts & figures?) What recommendations can I make? (Should I make any?)
REPORT STRUCTURE What is it all about? (Purpose? For whom? Deadline?) Where did I find the data for my report? (How were the data collected? Are they reliable?) What do the detailed results of my analysis show? (Detailed facts & figures?) What can generally be concluded from all this? (Overall conclusion?) What recommendations can I make? (Should I make any?)
PROPOSED STRUCTURE OF A SHORT REPORT TITLE: REPORT ON ... INTRODUCTION (TERMS OF REFERENCE) What? Purpose? Upon whose request? Deadline? PROCEDURE (or METHOD) How were the data collected and processed? FINDINGS Research results (detailed facts and figures)? CONCLUSIONS What do the results generally show? How can the results be interpreted? RECOMMENDATIONS (if required) What can be recommended based on the data?
REPORT STRUCTURE & TYPICAL PHRASES Which sections of the report do the following belong to? The purpose/aim of this report is to ... The report was requested by Mr Jasons, Sales Manager, on March 4, 2014. It was concluded that ... The key findings are outlined below. It would be advisable to.. It is essential that ..., The recommendations are that ... should be ... This report has been written because .... The objectives of this report are to .... The main findings were that ... It was to be submitted to the Manager by 02 November. This report examines (presents) .... . 200 respondents, chosen by the random sample method, were surveyed. Of these, 167 were invited for interview. The findings indicated that... No conclusions were reached regarding ... The major finding of the investigation was that ... I recommend that ... should be ...
WRITING QUALITY general features of effective communication (RB: p.18) formal writing style (RB: p.18) phrases typically used in report writing (RB: p.22)
Rewrite the following sentences to improve objectivity and to incorporate an impersonal style. Based on: The enormous increase of 32 percent proves the sales department has done a superb job. The proposed procedure is bad because it would require 15% more employees. The horrible effect on employees from the change in parking regulations will be one of creating massive traffic problems. You can hardly imagine the effect of incentive pay on employee morale. I feel certain that the new plan is better than the old method. Most of us agree that a monthly status meeting will be helpful.
Blue words out, red sentences in The enormous increase of 32 percent proves the sales department has done a superb job. The sales department has increased sales by 32 percent during the past quarter. The proposed procedure is bad because it would require 15% more employees. The proposed procedure would require 15 percent more employee time. The horrible effect on employees from the change in parking regulations will be one of creating massive traffic problems. The change in parking regulations will create additional traffic congestion. You can hardly imagine the effect of incentive pay on employee morale. Incentive pay improved employee morale in the following ways:... I feel certain that the new plan is better than the old method. The new plan is more effective than the old method for the following reasons:... Most of us agree that a monthly status meeting will be helpful. In the quarterly staff meeting 15 out of 18 members of staff supported having a monthly meeting.
gathered/collected, aim/purpose/objective, findings, recommend, requested, aims, submitted, analyze/explore/present/examine We strongly … that the company should go public with this information. The key … are outlined below. The … of this report is to … the possibilities for (…) Information for this report was … from the following sources: ... This report … to identify potential problems in (…) The report was … by Kim Jam, Finance Manager, last week. It was to be … by 15 March, 2014.
gathered/collected, aim/purpose/objective, findings, recommend, requested, aims, submitted, analyze/explore/present We strongly RECOMMEND that the company should go public with this information. The key FINDINGS are outlined below. The AIM/OBJECTIVE/PURPOSE of this report is to EXPLORE/ANALYZE/PRESENT the possibilities for (…) Information for this report was GATHERED/COLLECTED from the following sources: This report AIMS to identify potential problems in (…) The report was REQUESTED by Kim Jam, Finance Manager, last week. It was to be SUBMITTED by 15 March, 2014.
raises, found/established, collected, made/reached, recommended, requested, outlines/presents/identifies/analyzes No conclusions were ... regarding (…) It is ... that the following should be done: This ... a number of issues. Firstly, (…) Contrary to our expectations, it was ... that (…) The data for this report were ... from the following sources. Mark Smith, HR Manager, ... a report on incentive policies. This report ... deficiencies of the current recruitment policies in ABC company.
raises, found/established, collected, made/reached, recommended, requested, outlines/presents/identifies/analyzes/examines No conclusions were MADE/REACHED regarding (…) It is RECOMMENDED that the following should be done: This RAISES a number of issues. Firstly, (…) Contrary to our expectations, it was FOUND/ESTABLISHED that (…) The data for this report were COLLECTED from the following sources. Mark Smith, HR Manager, REQUESTED a report on incentive policies. This report PRESENTS/IDENTIFIES/ANALYZES/OUTLINES/ EXAMINES the deficiencies of the current recruitment policies in ABC company.
Phrases to use Turn the sentences below into passive Mr Jasons, Sales Manager, requested the report. We concluded that... We have written this report in order to examine.... We should submit the report by 18 February. We have surveyed 200 respondents and we shall invite 167 for interview. We found two major problems in the department. The following points summarize our key findings: We outline the key findings below. We decided/agreed/ that ... (It...) We reached no conclusions regarding the delivery terms. We propose/suggest/recommend that... (It...) We have highlighted the following areas:...
The same can be used in passive The report was requested by Mr Jasons, Sales Manager. It was concluded that... This report has been written in order to examine.... The report should be submitted by 18 February. 200 respondents have been surveyed and 167 will be invited for interview. Two major problems were found in the department. The key findings are summarized in the following points: The key findings are outlined below. It was decided/agreed/ that ... No conclusions were reached regarding the delivery terms. It was proposed/suggested/recommended that... The following areas have been highlighted:...
What is missing here? ... that the company should go public with this information. ... are outlined below. ... of this report is to explore the possibilities for (…) Information for this report was collected ...: This report aims to ............ (…) ... by Kim Jam, Finance Manager, last week. 15 March, 2015. ... our expectations, it was established that (…)
What makes a good report? Content Language General features of good writing (accuracy, clarity, concision, objectivity, completeness) Layout
Report Writing - Assessment Layout: title, headings, spacing, clear text organization (e.g. numbering), signature, name, position Content: Task fulfilled? Makes sense? Language: a) phrases typically used in a report, b) terminology, c)spell/gramm, d)style General features: accuracy, concision, clarity, objectivity Each element: 2.5 points X 4 = 10 pts