Inquest Geography.
Introduction Our assignment is about the EU and about the politics. We had to made a inquest for our parents. We are going to show you a list about the questions we aksed.
Questions Which party did your parents vote for? Which subjects do they think are important and why? Is the Netherlands a part in the previaus question? Is Europe a part in question 2? What is Europe?
6. Which coalition has to come? 7. Why? 8. Are you affraid, when Turkey joins the EU, that they take over? 9. What would you like to change in the Dutch politics? 10. Would you like the gulden back?Why?
11. What’s your opinion about the EU? 12. Why can’t Turkey join the EU? 13. During the election, that the politicions came with reasonable arguments about there standpoint. Why? 14. Do you think that children older than sixteen also may vote?Why? 15. If you would go into the politics, what kind of party would you lead?
16. Which country must become a member of the EU?Why? 17. Do you think that you must be able to work in all countries of the EU, or do you think that people may only wok in their own country?Why? 18.Do you know what the European Parliament does for us?If yes, what? 19.Do you think that people who want to stay in our country, must be send back to their own country? 20. Do you think it would be alright if the EU would expend, or don’t you?
Summary of the answers. Our parents has voted for PvdA and the SP. If Turkey joins the EU, our parents are afraid that Turkey will take over, because the nation with the most inhabitants, has the most influence in the EU. Our parents wants the gulden back, because since we have got the euro,everthing has doubled.
Our parenths think that you are not be able to vote when you are sixteen, because they are to young.( No mind of their own.) The opinions about who can join the EU are different from each other, because one parent said that Norway has to come, and the other said that United Kingdom has to be a part of the EU.
Standpoint PvdA About Turkey: The dutch labor Party finds that Turkey can become a member of the EU on term, but then the country must satisfy at all political, social and economic conditions. Further expansions of the EU on term will be better for the Netherlands and also for the safety and stability in our part of the world.
About asylum seekers: Single Minor asylum seekers are persons younger than 18 years from countries which are not a member of the EU who came alone to the Netherlands and don't come in comment for stay on asylum ground. They will be taken care of untill they are 18 years old. After this period, they have to return to their country of origin if they have no right to stay here.
Standpoints SP About the asylum seekers: As people after a careful asylum procedure have not been recognized as a refugee, they will have to leave. About the expansion of the EU: Expansion of the EU is not desirable on the short term.
About Turkey: When Turkey satisfies at the requirements, then Turkey may join the EU. Standpoint CDA: The Christian Democratic Party stands positively opposite the expansion of the European Union.(EU)
Standpoint VVD About the asylum seekers: When you know that you can’t stay in the Netherlands, you must leave the Netherlands. About Turkey: The VVD is supporter for accession of Turkey.
Standpoint Christian Union. About the asylum seekers: The tendency of the market for asylum seekers, specialy for children, must be better.
Conclusion The answers from the inquest were very different from each other. If we look at the answers of the inquest,we see that our parents think that Turkey can’t join the EU, because the EU is big enough.
Our opinion The inquest was interesting and fun to do. We have learned very much about the politics. We hope that you liked the presentation.
Made by: Natasja Goosen Kim Setkowski Seda Yaman