Welcome to Year R St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School A family, united in God’s love, learning in faith together for a compassionate tomorrow.
Staff in Year R Teacher Mrs Montgomery Teaching Assistant Mrs Wickens P.E Teacher Mrs Deary & Mrs Hurlstone Music Teacher Mrs Kernick
Top tips to be successful in Year R Daily reading at home. Phonic practise. Signing child’s reading journal when new books are required. Supporting your child with all home learning- phonics, writing, tricky words and reading. Set times at home to complete all work asked.
The general order of the day in our Key Stage One classes. 8:30am prayers & registration 10:30am playtime with snacks 11:45am lunchtime 12:45pm afternoon session 1:45pm afternoon playtime 3:00pm end of the school day
General routines Homework Music is on a Tuesday morning PE is on Tuesday & Friday Homework Daily reading. Phonics are added to the ‘Sound Book’ as they are introduced in class and need to be consolidated at home. When ready it is beneficial to practise the writing of each letter and your child’s name card.
Mass We celebrate Mass in school regularly. You are welcome to join us. Please read the newsletter or check the website for dates and times.
Educational Visits This year we will be visiting ‘Adventure Wonderland’ in late June. The cost is approximately £14.
Communication Please visit our website: www.stcatherinescolehill.dorset.sch.uk Newsletters, term dates and many other useful pieces of information are on the website. Please check back regularly.