Homophones Definition Explanation Examples Homophones are commonly misspelled words. Homophones are two words that sound exactly the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Explanation Homophones are commonly misspelled because they sound the same. Pneumatic devices help people remember the difference between those two words. For example, a pneumatic device for they’re, their, and there is that “they’re” has an apostrophe meaning that it is a contraction so it has to be they’re. A pneumatic device for the word ‘their’ is if you cover the word letter ‘t’, it spells heir which means the person who inherits or owns and the word their shows owner ship. A pneumatic device for ‘there’ is if one covers the letter ‘t’, the word would become here and that shows location and where something is which is what ‘there’ means. Examples Some examples of homophones are: Knight-night, Eight-ate, Bye-By-Buy, hi-high, see-sea.