Thank you for coming tonight Thank you for coming tonight! Please take our Parent Survey on the Chromebook while we wait to get started. Open the Chromebook Click on the “App” button Select Parent Survey
Welcome to 5th Grade Mrs. Taylor
Seven Habits of Highly Successful 5th Graders Work is finished on time Reads to gain knowledge & enjoyment Tests are studied with a partner or adult All work is completed neatly Positive attitude is used towards others Always has supplies when needed Work completed with quality is a priority
It Takes A Village Communication is KEY! Check Teacher Web for nightly homework Create a Parent Portal account to check grades weekly (see district website for link) Newsletters and work folders are sent home on Tuesdays Progress Report sent home Sept. 23 Parent Conference are the week of Sept. 26
Student Safety First All the parking lot rules are directly related to student safety Thank you for modeling respectful and safe behavior in our traffic line. Please…NO Parking on any red curb Drop Off Area is between the front office and the D-Building. Use the crosswalks PLEASE!
School Phone # 909-463-9105 email Contact Information School Phone # 909-463-9105 email
Tuesday Folders/Class Update Main form of parent/teacher communication Go through EVERYTHING! Important notes/graded papers Log sheet inside of the folder must be signed each week and returned in the folder by Thursday of every week Save ALL work!
Folders/Supplies 2 Pocket Folders (homework and classwork) 3 one-subject spiral notebooks (math, social studies, and science) 1 Pencil pouch or box red pens, pencils, pencil sharpener with lid, erasers, highlighters, dry erase markers $5 Donation envelope to pay for binder on your child’s desk
Daily Schedule Math – Every day ELA – Every day Social Studies – Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday Science – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday P.E. – Tuesday and Thursday @ 9:30 Library – Wednesdays at 1:30 Band – Monday or Wednesday 9:15-9:45 or 9:45-10:10 Recess is 10:20 – 10:31 Lunch is 12:25 – 1:05 See Schedule at a Glance for daily breakdown
Classroom Rules/Expectations Be polite and respectful. Be prepared and follow directions. Give your best effort- ALWAYS. Respect the feelings and property of others. Be courteous (keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself).
Possible Consequences Loss of recess Phone call or note home Office visit Loss of extra-curricular activities
Discipline Feed Back Positive Recognition Excellent weekly citizenship grades on newsletter Praise, positive notes and rewards/awards Good grades Internal Satisfaction and esteem building Consequences Verbal Warning Student/Teacher Conference Email or phone call home Office Referral
Homework About an hour of nightly homework including 20 minutes of reading Review only ~ No new concepts Should not be frustrating Should be completed by your child, but it is ok to check it or help them Homework teaches responsibility Homework is returned daily unless otherwise indicated Homework that is not complete or on time will be considered late and will impact the citizenship grade
California Common Core Standards All standards are on the district website under PARENTS Http:// Click on Common Core Standards Link View either Math/Language Arts
Curriculum NEW Reading/Language Arts Adoption Multiplication Tables = key to success Science…learn modified Cornell Notes Science…New STEAM Lab and activities Social Studies=project based learning Technology
Physical Education P.E. 200 minutes in a two week time period with a district PE teacher on Tues. & Thurs. 5th Grade Physical Fitness Testing Wear appropriate shoes and clothing Bring water bottles Doctor’s note is required for missing P.E.
Absences “You Were Missed” on desk Students are responsible to complete and turn in worked missed in a timely manner Homework requests will only be honored if your child is out more than 2 days. They need to rest and return healthy.
Renaissance Place/AR STAR will be tested each trimester Reading goals for AR are individual 20 minutes of reading per night is required, silent reading time is given in class, so the expectation is that all students will meet their goal A.R. is recorded in the grade book by the percentage earned at the end of each trimester unless otherwise stated.
Extra Curricular Activities Band Missed work during band must be made up for homework. Band is an amazing opportunity but will require students to be responsible to make up for the 30 minutes of instructional time that will be missed. Student Council Two representatives and one alternate will be elected, using a secret ballot, from our class. They will represent us at the Student Council meetings on Thursdays. Chorus For our talented singers, Chorus will again be offered on Monday afternoons. Details to follow. Garden Club Details about Garden Club will be coming home in the near future.
Field Trips We love the opportunity to be in a mobile classroom to reinforce what we are learning. Through parent generosity and donations, we are able to go on more than 1 field trip. Parents are welcome to share in our adventures. Info to follow.
Parent Volunteers Volunteer Packets (for the office) and Classroom Volunteer Forms are on the desks Please complete both and return to ME Watch DOG Program PTA
Our “GOLDEN YEAR” This is your child’s last year at Golden Elementary. The year will go very fast and there will be a lot to learn. Our students are the oldest students at Golden and I expect them to model excellent behavior for all the children who attend our school. I want your child to have a rewarding, fun, and exciting year! As this is their final year, together, let’s make it their best!