Ülle Talihärm Ministry of Culture/ adviser for libraries


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Presentation transcript:

Ülle Talihärm Ministry of Culture/ adviser for libraries 03.05.2017 ESTONIA Ülle Talihärm Ministry of Culture/ adviser for libraries 03.05.2017

Local Government Reform in Estonia 2017: 15 counties 213 administrative units (incl.30 cities, 183 rural municipalities) the future municipalities/towns must have at least 5,000 residents with some exceptions reduces the number of municipalities Area: 45 227 km2 Population: 1 352 320 (1.01.2017), 30 inhabitants per km2

Network of Libraries 2014-2016 2014 2015 2016 Libraries in Estonia 961   2014 2015   2016   Libraries in Estonia 961 947 942 public libraries (municipal) 549 (435 + 114) 540 (423+117) 536 (419+117) specialized and scientific libraries 44 school libraries 368 363 362

Ministry of Culture subsidy for public libraries – 2017 - 2 762 816 EUR 2014 2015 2016 2017 Grant programme “Development of libraries” 22 689 30 000 +7 311 35 000 + 5 000 Public libraries activity support - county libraries labour costs - for 15 county libraries (subsidy up to 4 employees ) 540 702 + 26 240 565 034 +24 332 772 932 +207 898 876 842 +103 910 Public libraries acquisition (subsidy) 1 677 889 1 761 784 + 83 845 1 805 829 +44 045 +45 145

Grant programme “Development of libraries” An extra possibility to finance training and innovative projects in libraries 2016 annual project grants: 36 library projects provided grants

Legislation – Public Libraries legislation reform General principles of the cultural policy up to 2020 (approved 2014) Agenda of the Ministry of Culture 2018-2021 - strategic planning of library network activities 2017 – The Ministry of Culture is prepearing analysis of the current Public Libraries Act. Problems Solutions

Legislation – Legal Deposit Legal Deposit Act passed 12.02.1997 latest ammendments from 01.06.2006 + off-line and web-publications Legal Deposit Copy Act passed 15.06.2016 in force from 01.01.2017 + output-ready files of printed publications and film

How does the new Act affect libraries The number of long term preservation libraries will be reduced from 10 to 4. The number of printed publication will be reduced from 8 to 4 copies. Depositing of output-ready files of printed publications and films - new responsibilities for - NLE, NAE. Legal deposit centre – NLE. Long term digital preservation – NLE, NAE. No need to digitise digitally born publications and films that will be published from 2017 - output-ready files will be handed over and preserved together with the completed publication.

How does the new Act affect publishers, issuers For the publishers - in the number of compulsory legal deposit copies – it will fall from current 8 to 4. Publishers, issuers will receive an additional secure digitale storage environment – reuse. Cooperation between the state and the private sector - creates an opportunity to develop innovative future services.

How does the new Act affect users The computer terminals provide the readers with an opportunity to study a majority of legal deposit copies of new publications in 5 libraries - without any assistance from the library worker The availability of publications for visually impaired persons will improve in the nearest future – NLE, Web Library of the Estonian Library for the Blind

https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/eli/5140920 16001/consolide Legal Deposit Copy Act https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/eli/5140920 16001/consolide

Estonian Librarians Assotiation’s activities The Association is a trustworthy partner for the state, civil societies and the private sector. Libraries vision document - in 2015: Library in the 21st century : the future of Estonian librarianship in the winds of social and technological change : libraries and their mission, position and courses of development Public libraries quality requirements - in 2016: assess the level of library service pilot project 2017 Co-operation project for libraries, museums and youth work organisations or centres – in 2017: contribute to children's and young people's cultural theme years success

The Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union 1. 7 – 31 2016 Netherlands Slovakkia 2017 Malta Estonia 2018 Bulgaria Austria

Key focus areas: Economy – An open and innovative economies in Europe single market, digital single market & smart economy, growth, jobs, Energy Union Secure and protected Europe -terrorism, EU borders, neighbourhood policy, eastern partnership Inclusive and sustainable Europe Digital Europe and the free movement of data - digital dimension in every major policy area Work in progress!

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Conference will highlight the changing role of cultural heritage institutions from gatekeepers to enablers of participation. It will address the issues such as: how to best reach different audiences in the digital era and develop the innovation capacity of cultural heritage institutions.

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Thank you! Ulle.Taliharm@kul.ee