end+disparities Learning Exchange Office Hours: African-American & Latina Women’s Health and Stigma March 10, 2017 1:00-2:00pm ET MICHAEL
Before we start… Please type your name, organization, city and state in the chat room MICHAEL
The end+disparities Learning Exchange a 9-month initiative that promotes the application of improvement interventions to reduce HIV-related disparities in four key subpopulations while building and sustaining a community of learners among Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients. The Learning Exchange offers informational opportunities by content experts and utilizes the power of peer learning to facilitate local improvement efforts on eliminating HIV-related disparities. MICHAEL For more information visit our website at www.enddisparitiesexchange.org
end+disparities Video Visit our NQC YouTube channel to see our 3min video about disparities in HIV care - www.youtube.com/NationalQualityCtr MICHAEL Check out this informational tool that we have developed – it is a short animated video about disparities in HIV care and outcomes. Please take a look and share with your colleagues and social media networks! 4
African-American & Latina Women’s Health and Stigma Office Hours Always on Fridays at 1pm ET – variable schedule No registration is required and open to all Open-ended dialogue to explore specific topics General Q & A regarding end+disparities Learning Exchange key topics Today’s Topic: African-American & Latina Women’s Health and Stigma MICHAEL Show of hands… how many people have been on previous office hours? We want to know how we’re doing and we’ll be checking in on how we can improve this activity at the end of today’s discussion. We’d like to reinforce the point that Office Hours are driven by the participants and are an opportunity to ask questions about strategic planning today. We are also happy to delve into general questions about the end+disparities Learning Exchange.
African-American & Latina Women’s Health and Stigma DELORIS Also be sure to include in the chat room information on the Women’s conference in NY coming up in two weeks. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/womens-health-and-activism-summit-tickets-32356566361 6
THANK YOU! Michael Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the chat room or by sending your comments to Michael – Michael@nationalqualitycenter.org
212-417-4730 NationalQualityCenter.org Info@NationalQualityCenter.org 8