Welcome! Back To School for Families
Family Support is Vitally Important
More Than Meets The Eye
With ClassTag It Is Delightfully Simple & Free Stay in the loop & Sign up for various activities with one click Catch the magical day-to-day moments Connect with other class members
Check ClassTag And Emails Regularly! Important Items & Announcements All To-Do’s, Events & Requests All Families In Our Class
Share Photos & Customize For You View & Upload Photos Add Family Members Settings: Profiles, Privacy, Notifications
Have Flyers Ready? Let’s Sign up! Take out your phones Go to the link in your flyer / enter the code from the flyer Follow the step-by-step instructions If you have more than one child in this class, you will repeat the process for each
Received Email Invites? Let’s Sign up! Take out your phones Find an email with a subject: “[My name] has invited you to join [Class name] … Click “Join Now” Follow the step-by-step instructions If you have more than one child in this class, you will repeat the process for each and should have received multiple invitations
Let’s See It In Action I have created a To-Do request: Sign up for ClassTag Can you check it off as complete? Now I am going to create an announcement and upload this [smile please] picture. Do you see it in your home screen? Now let’s go to profile settings and upload profile pictures for our wonderful students. Go ahead! Click on the top left 3 blue lines, select settings and then children. Click edit children and add a photo. We can all see their smiling faces appear in the class directory!!
Thank You For Your Support! Check ClassTag every week — you'll get emails about new announcements, activities coming up and weekly email update on Friday at 12 for upcoming week if we have anything scheduled. Talk about school with your child and what they are learning. Ask your child about the new and old friends they are making and connect with each other. Keep me updated on how your child is doing at home. I’m always here to help if you need anything, as well as the ClassTag team – reach them at team@classtag.com or a chat box