Robin Knutelsky: Director of Teaching and Learning Supports


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Presentation transcript:

Robin Knutelsky: Director of Teaching and Learning Supports Using PARCC Data to Guide Instruction in the Middle School and High School  

Goals Use data as the entry point into the cycle of teaching and learning to foster instruction at the standards level Craft the conversation to support professional learning around standards will be a focus in this session

The Conversation Method to guide the conversation: Where are you in the conversation? Demonstration Shared Learning Guided Practice Independence Making space Leading Facilitating Crafting

Crafting the Conversations Data as the Entry Point Data as the entry point Crafting the Conversations Curriculum Instruction Assessment Reflection Who prepares? Who invites? Who will be invited? What will be the topic? Who supports the conversation? How will you know it was a success? How will we know we have moved from the conversation to practice?

Demonstration & Shared Learning Standards Aligned Instruction Conversations When we talk about instruction and standards, what does this look like in the classroom? Who prepares? Who invites? Who will be invited? What will be the topic? Who supports the conversation? How will you know it was a success? How will we know we have moved from the conversation to practice?

Vertical Study of Standards Grade 7 NJSLS Grade 9-10 NJSLS RL.7.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence and make relevant connections to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RL.9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence and make relevant connections to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferentially, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. When we talk about instruction and standards, what does this look like in the classroom? In 7th grade? In grades 9-10?

Evidence STatements Who prepares? Who invites? Who will be invited? What will be the topic? Who supports the conversation? How will you know it was a success? How will we know we have moved from the conversation to practice?

making space for the Conversation Around Data Strengths and weaknesses in the data Instructional practices or shifts that link to the PARCC data Other data points that link to the same findings confirmed in the PARCC data Additional professional resources that are available No matter our role: Making space for the conversation Leading the conversation Facilitating the conversation Crafting the conversation

Conversations Around Data Who prepares? Who invites? Who will be invited? What will be the topic? Who supports the conversation? How will you know it was a success? How will we know we have moved from the conversation to practice?

Standards Aligned Instruction Guided Practice Standards Aligned Instruction Conversations When we talk about instruction and standards, what does this look like in the classroom? Who prepares? Who invites? Who will be invited? What will be the topic? Who supports the conversation? How will you know it was a success? How will we know we have moved from the conversation to practice? Guided Practice or Coaching: You do

Horizontal Application Anchor Standard 1 NJSLS Reading History, Science and Technical Subjects NJSLS ELA Grades 9-10 RH.9-10.1. Accurately cite strong and thorough textual evidence, to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information. RST.9-10.1. Accurately cite strong and thorough evidence from the text to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to precise details for explanations or descriptions. RL.9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence and make relevant connections to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferentially, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. Who prepares? Who invites? Who will be invited? What will be the topic? Who supports the conversation? How will you know it was a success? How will we know we have moved from the conversation to practice?

Evidence STatements

Practice the Conversation

making space for the Conversation Guiding Your Practice Strengths and weaknesses in the data Instructional practices or shifts that link to the PARCC data Other data points that link to the same findings confirmed in the PARCC data Additional professional resources that are available No matter our role: Making space for the conversation Leading the conversation Facilitating the conversation Crafting the conversation

Standards Aligned Instruction Guided Practice Standards Aligned Instruction Conversations When we talk about instruction and standards, what does this look like in the classroom? Who prepares? Who invites? Who will be invited? What will be the topic? Who supports the conversation? How will you know it was a success? How will we know we have moved from the conversation to practice? Guided Practice or Coaching: You do

Independence Hosting the Conversation Year 1 and Year 2 data September-November December – February March-June July-August Who prepares? Who invites? Who will be invited? What will be the topic? Who supports the conversation? How will you know it was a success? How will we know we have moved from the conversation to practice? Curriculum Instruction Assessment Reflection

Ways to Stay Connected Professional Learning Interested in upcoming trainings and workshops? Email and request to be put on the listserv CCIT Blast (Soon to be the POST) Interested in monthly resources “delivered” to your inbox? Follow this link

Only the beginning of the Conversation Furthering the conversation of support Concluding the conversation with gratitude Robin Knutelsky New Jersey Department of Education Division of Teaching and Learning Director; Office of Teaching and Learning Support Five slides closure