Inspiring great Connecticut downtowns, Main Street by Main Street.
Christine Schilke Communications Manager Message in a bottle: How Board members can easily improve MSW’s visibility & fundraising prospects Christine Schilke Communications Manager
What are we going to talk about? What is messaging? ID three types Provide specific examples of each Easy, Moderate & Complex options Q&A Cheat Sheet
What do we mean by “messaging”? Branding is the what, Messaging is the how Once you’ve decided what you want people to know about MSW, figure out how your going to tell them Techniques are generally universal Applicable to MSW Board, committees, work, life
How do we do it? Create a plan Improvise & Evolve Can be informal Incremental is best Start small until it becomes automatic Build on successes Improvise & Evolve Steal ideas when you see them Toss what doesn’t work, keep what does Not everyone has to do the same thing! Formal/informal – Can talk about this at Board meetings, for instance participating on a Task Force or as part of a Comm Plan (ie legislative) Can just send an email with an event and say, can someone go.
Be an Ambrassador Promote MSW & the downtown: In person In writing Social media/ new technology You are on the MSW Board for a reason. Do what you do best, and you will help MSW in the process.
Showing Up Is Half the Battle Easy Attend a MSW event Wear a lapel pin Say you’re from MSW during introductions Moderate Attend an out-of-network event on MSW’s behalf Complex Initiate/organize a meeting for MSW Provide strategic direction in your area of expertise Do a presentation for/about MSW Shelly attending our workshops; Bernard providing guidance on who we talk to from the legislature; Dave Sousa moderating our SNEAPA session
Example: Where There’s a Mill, There’s a Way Did you meet a potential funder? Someone who can help you achieve one of your goals (like a possible consultant, partner, supporter?) Steps: Decide who will attend; Tell people you’ll be there; Network for MSW while you’re there Organize follow-up meetings with Carl
The Write Stuff Op-Eds Reports Letters on behalf of MSW Op-Eds Reports
The Write Stuff Easy Moderate Complex Add that you’re a MSW Board member to your email signature Moderate Contribute to annual report, newsletter, website, thank you letters to volunteers, etc. Complex Pen an Op-Ed on behalf of MSW
Example: CMSC Board Member Op-Ed Toni Gold Op-Ed, She’s probably going to do this anyway, but gives us an extra bit of publicity
The Board’s Role in Social Media Participation generally falls into these categories: Easy – Like & Share Moderate – Post info, events, news stories, etc. Complex – Create/ moderate content
The Communications Hub The Town Crier See Spot Run Want a lot of free, easy advertising & networking? Embrace New Technology! The Must-Haves Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn The Communications Hub Hootsuite = One message, many platforms The Town Crier Constant Contact = Electronic news delivery See Spot Run Piktocharts = Engaging infographics Impress a Millennial Yapp Apps = Create apps for mobile devices Hootsuite – not so much for the Board to do, but for them to be aware of. If MSW adopts it, there will be a lot more social media usage for the Board to then capitalize on. Also, the Board, if they’re tech savvy can sign themselves up as an individual, and it may be easier for them. For Each type, Board activity is generally like, share, post. But it can add up quick.
The Board’s Role in Social Media Pics/Examples of our Board sharing our info – Twitter, FB, Website
Wine on Main St Event: Bringing It All Together Pre-Event Promote - social media, forward invites to key attendees Use contacts to assist with event planning (i.e. business participation, permits, etc) Fundraise /get sponsors During Event Attend Post live updates on social media Network for MSW Post-Event Talk/write about event (i.e awards/ article placement) Follow up with funders, new contacts Follow up with funders – write note of thanks to those who sponsored event; follow up with any new potential funders
Recap Three types of messaging Easy, Moderate & Complex examples Q&A Cheat Sheet
Website: Contact Info Christine Schilke Communications Manager Connecticut Main Street Center Email: Phone: 860.280.2356 Website: