Wesley Goals 2015
Wesley Mission and Vision Mission of the United Methodist Church Make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world Mission of Northwest Wesley Foundation Enable students to become whole persons in their life and faith journeys VERY COMPATIBLE WITH ONE ANOTHER
Four Goals for 2015-2016 GOAL #1 GOAL #2 GOAL #3 GOAL #4 Increase the number of people who identify as Northwest Wesley members GOAL #2 Increase the mission opportunities and outreach offered through Northwest Wesley GOAL #3 Improve the infrastructure and facilities of Northwest Wesley GOAL #4 Improve and increase the funding streams necessary to maintain what Northwest Wesley can offer
Goal Thoughts Goals 3 and 4 seem to undergird goals 1 and 2 I see goals 1 and 2 as more in the realm of student leadership I see goals 3 and 4 more in the realm of the board All goals are interrelated Input on feasibility of goals? Change? Add? Input on how to measure progress toward goals?
Increase the number of people who identify as Northwest Wesley members How can we bring more people in to participate in sharing the word of God? Increased online presence www.northwestwesley.com Northwest Wesley Facebook Page Northwest Wesley Mission Facebook Page Twitter (@NWwesley) northwestwesley.wufoo.com/forms/welcome UPCOMING Working with united campus ministries Freshmen mass email and invites BBQ planning Missouri Academy welcome Increased internships FOLLOW UP AND FOLLOW THROUGH!
Increase the mission opportunities and outreach offered through Northwest Wesley How can we share the caring spirit of Jesus Christ with others through our service? Haiti North Carolina New Orleans UPCOMING Haiti (school?) Alternative spring break Lydia Patterson? Local mission Ideally, one signature event per trimester, plus spring break and summer signature opportunities
Improve the infrastructure and facilities of Northwest Wesley Cleaning Painting Mowing “Learning the ropes on how things work” UPCOMING New (used) mower Steam mop Hall curtains Lights? Air conditioning Copy machine Downstairs apartments $9000 from conference? Capital campaign?
Improve and increase the funding streams necessary to maintain what Northwest Wesley can offer Important: Not just to maintain Wesley as an institution, but to accomplish our goals A Shot in the Dark Bowl-A-Thon Friends of Wesley Local church support UPCOMING Renew Celebration Teams Support from more local churches Grants, grants, grants Cultivate more relationships