“What was your favorite part of this past summer break?” BE SPECIFIC Monday, July 24th Day 1 AR Book Science Starters Sheet 1. Please have these Items on your desk. Agenda Write on October 3rd 2- Science Starter: “What was your favorite part of this past summer break?” BE SPECIFIC
About Mrs. Morrison Shiane, Cody, and Scott
My Grandson Dylan and his mom Julie Dylan and his Aunt Shiane
My furry friend Roscoe
All about Mrs. Morrison I lived in West Jefferson, Ohio for 11 1/2 years Moved to AZ in 1980. I have a B. S. in Elementary Education, from Ottawa University. I have a M. A. in Elementary Education from NAU. I have been teaching for 22years. This is my fifth year at Bogle as a science teacher. I am a member of the National Science Teacher Association.
Topics of study 1st Quarter Chemistry Science fair 2nd Quarter Genetics Ecology 3rd Quarter Forces and Motion (Physics) 4th Quarter State test Review Health High school readiness Physics Roller Coaster Project
Physics Roller Coasters
Science Fair Science Fair is mandatory for all 8th grade students to participate in. 2nd Quarter, but starts first quarter. Project Grade(individual) Science fair project needs to relate to the 8th grade curriculum. Complete project due before Thanksgiving break.
Materials 1. One graph ruled composition notebooks for the year (You may get a 2nd one if you want). 2. A place in your binder for science 3. Pencils 4. Tape 5. Pen (Blue/Black and Red)
The Interactive Notebook You will need a composition notebook. It will contain information and notes from our classwork. It is complete with an index and information pages about our classroom
Absent? The While you Were Out Crate contains any work you missed from being absent. If you were absent on Monday, you would look under Monday to find the work. Turn the absent work in the late tray the following day and sign it the assignment in in the binder (You will still receive full credit). You have the same number of days absent to make up work your missing work. Ex: If your absent for two days, you have two days to get me your missing work.
Music Sometimes when we do quiet work or group work, we will listen to music. The music can be provided by you. It must be a separate play list on your phone titled “Science Playlist” All music must be school appropriate.
Class syllabus Beginning of class: You are to enter the room quietly and ON TIME. You should always sit in your assigned seat, or lab group. At the beginning of each class period, you will be responsible for copying the week’s assignments, activities and homework into your student agenda. These assignments, activities and homework will be listed on the whiteboard in the front of the room. All materials needed for the day should be on your desk immediately after you take your seat. End of class: The teacher, NOT THE BELL, dismisses class. You will be dismissed only when the class is quiet and seated, and any materials or messes cleaned up. It is important to wait for the teacher to dismiss you because often I will have important announcements about homework or assignments that you will need to hear before you leave. Leaving the classroom: You are expected and encouraged to use the restroom between classes. However, if you must go during class there are a few rules (barring emergencies): 1) You may not go during direct instruction, class discussion, or if a presentation is being given 2) You must sign out on your bathroom pass 3) You must hustle. You need to ask me to leave for the restroom unless it is an emergency. Hats: Hats are NOT ALLOWED anywhere on campus. Gum: Gum is absolutely positively NOT ALLOWED anywhere on campus. If caught with gum you will be meeting with the teacher and further disciplinary action such as a detention may take place. Attendance/Tardies: We all know that attendance is tied directly to achievement. When a student is absent, there is a “While you were out” basket in the classroom that has all the work that was completed each day. It is the student’s responsibility to get the work to make up including notes that they missed. Turn the absent work in the late tray the following day (You will still receive full credit). **You have the same number of days absent to make up work your missing work. (i.e. If your absent for two days, you have two days to turn in your missing work.)** Notes are always available in a folder in the ”While you were out” basket or they can get the notes from a friend. I will also have a website that lists the classroom activities (including notes and copies of assignments) for each day and the homework for each night. Entering the classroom after the tardy bell without a valid excuse is not acceptable. This will result in a conference with the teacher. Multiple offenses will earn you more severe consequences. Lab behavior and expectations: Safety is extremely important in Science labs. You must follow all rules provided by me at the beginning of each lab. It is crucial that you do this to ensure your safety, and the safety of those around you. Failure to follow safety procedures will earn you an alternate assignment for one or more subsequent labs. Grades: All grades will be on a point basis. Some assignments are worth more points as they require more work. If a paper comes in without a name, it is placed in the “Name?” basket. Grading Scale: A= 90 to 100% B= 80 to 89% C= 70 to 79% D= 60 to 69% F= 0 to 59% Homework: Because Science is inquiry based and hands on, there is not regular nightly homework. Homework is usually given 2 to 3 times a week. Please remember to check the assignment board everyday to make sure that you are not missing any assignment due dates, or test days!! All classwork and homework is also updated weekly on my website, it is your responsibility to make sure you are staying on track.
Class syllabus part 2 Late work: If you must turn in an assignment late, (and unexcused) there will be up to a 50% deduction of points on that assignment. You will need to sign in your late work and put it into the late work basket. It is your responsibility. Cheating Policy: My definition- Not doing the work yourself, using your words and ideas! You should be able to rephrase what you read/ wrote and explain it to me! If you’re caught cheating on a homework assignment/Test/Quiz is taken away and you will receive a 0%. Parent will be notified. Classroom essentials: You are required to have a composition notebook with graph paper to be used only for Science. You are also expected to have a place in a binder for Science and working pen or pencil at all times. Throughout the year, I may ask for you to bring in items to be used for different labs and activities. Cell phone/e-readers/electronic devices: Refer to BYOT policies. Electronic devices are used for educational purposes only. No cell phones will be used for SSR. Textbooks: There are textbooks used for each unit, but unfortunately none to be checked out to students. You will have access to them only while at school. Directions for the online textbook will be provided separately. Extra Credit: There are no extra credit assignments. Students can earn extra credit points by doing outstanding work on their required assignments. Tutoring Schedule: Monday: Morrison Tuesday: Petit Wednesday: Villalobos Thursday: Viliborghi Classroom Procedures and Expectations: Expectations: Be in your seat and on task when the bell rings. Use silent signals to leave your seat. Be prepared. Be respectful. Be a person of terrific character. Consequences: Verbal warning/Integrity notice. Removal from room. Detention and/or parent contact. *Repeat and/or serious offenses will warrant a referral. **Note: Parent contact may occur at any time. Pencil sharpener: If you need to sharpen your pencil during class, you need to ask, but please don’t go during direct instruction. Please, only one student at a time! Restroom Usage: You are not allowed to use the restroom during tests, quizzes, or while I am giving instructions. Fill out your pass and hold it in the air. Mrs. Morrison sign the pass and you are to leave the pass on your desk. One student out of the room at a time. Drinks: There is not a drinking fountain in my room. You are encouraged to carry a bottle of water in your backpack to avoid having to leave. No colored drinks are allowed. Answering classroom phone: There may be times when the classroom telephone rings and I am not able to answer it. In this case, a student will be asked to answer. If you are asked to answer the phone, please answer it: “Mrs. Morrison’s room, student speaking.”
Carricatures Make a caricature of yourself using the templates found at the lab station. Follow the instructions found on the first page of the packet. These include four questions to answer.