Sociedad honoraria hispanica Bienvenidos a la primera reunión
Fechas de reuniónes 26 de septiembre 31 de octubre 21 de noviembre 30 de enero 27 de febrero 27 de marzo 24 de april (last meeting for seniors) 8 de mayo (election of new officers)
Cuotas annuales (annual dues) Returning members: $11 - Fill out SHH student information sheet New members: $25 MUST be paid on My Payments Plus Once paid online, members are required to print out receipt for confirmation Limited time
Proyectos (Projects) Adopt- a- Road - Members must attend at least 2 -Online sign up sheet Tutoring posters - Make 3 NICE posters to promote tutoring Cultural Liaison -Come up with cultural events for members to attend to earn points Spanish interpreters for Bethesda Elementary conferences - Sept. 24 and 25 & Feb. 25 and 26 (3 pm- 6:30 pm) Smoke Alarm Blitz - Translating at the Pine Valley Mobile Home Park (9 am- 3 pm)
Puntos (points) Members must have 6 points by the end of the academic year - Incomplete points will result in probation and no honor cord for seniors We will have 2 binders, one for attendance sheets and another for point tracker sheet - Pick up sheets before the meeting and at the end get Sra. Padilla or Sra. Sanders/ any officer to sign it. Leave it with the person that signs it. Members are responsible for writing points for activities on point tracker sheet and getting them signed - Point tracker will be available online