Core 1 Science Outdoor Learning Life Processes “The Environment is the third teacher.” (Claire Warden, 2001) March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP
Welcome back Sessions intentions Consider how to undertake science based investigations outdoors. Consider the role of experiential learning in developing understanding in Sc2. Review creative approaches to science learning and teaching. March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP
Learning outside the classroom MANIFESTO ‘Every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development, whatever their age, ability or circumstances’ March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP
Learning through Landscapes Learning through Landscapes is the national school grounds charity, campaigning on behalf of all children for better outdoor environments in education and childcare. March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP
Core 1 Science 2011 Outdoor LearningKP Habitats In small groups – discuss – How might you define ‘habitat’? March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2011 Outdoor LearningKP
Core 1 Science 2011 Outdoor LearningKP Habitats Habitat is a term used to describe the natural home of a group of plants and animals, that provides all (or nearly all) the needs of the inhabitants. Such needs include food, oxygen, water, shelter and opportunity to reproduce. -the animals and plants occupying a particular habitat are called its ‘community’. -habitats can be various sizes -larger habitats can have smaller habitats within them -some can be very precise and known as ‘micro-habitats’ -habitats can be used to describe a range of environmental conditions eg. from polar region to housing estate -habitats can change seasonally -habitats can be damaged -populations in habitats can be affected by competition. Habitats are useful resources for studying the INTERDEPENDENCE OF LIVING THINGS. (Johnsey et al. 2nd edition 2002). Link to National Curriculum PoS and objectives – KS1 and KS2. Link to self-directed activities undertaken in week 7. March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2011 Outdoor LearningKP
Cross - Curricular Themes Environmental Education Education for Sustainable Development Interdependence, Citizenship and stewardship, Needs and rights of future generations, Diversity, Quality of life, Sustainable change, Uncertainty and precaution Citizenship March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP
Responsibility and Sensitivity De Boo stresses ‘… the joy and importance of environmental science’ (De Boo 2004: 4). “Children not only enjoy games but learn very effectively from ‘playful’ activities” (De Boo 2004: 5). March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP
Responsibility and Sensitivity ‘When introducing a child to the excitement of the natural world.. It’s not half so important to know as to feel’ (Cornell 1987: 7). ‘Teach less and share more’ (Cornell 1987: 11). (accessed 17/07/09) ‘Earth education is a serious task but getting to know the natural world is a lifelong adventure full of wonderful experiences and joy. March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP
Experiential Education (Earthwalks / Cornell) Interactive experiential activities have the potential to foster real understanding of connections. Review the range of activities Go outside and try at least one in a small group Feed back – how might ONE focus activity develop learning in Sc1/Sc2? What are your feelings towards the task…and the approach… Have you any other similar examples to share? March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 11 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP
Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP Week 12 Seminar and Portfolio Review Auditing and target setting for personal development Preparation Review your science portfolio, PRINT the science portfolio review form (LEN) and bring BOTH to the final science session in Week 12. Review the module handbook and your science learning this year. Reflect on and draft your personal targets for science. Finalise your seminar presentation. March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP
Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP WEEK 12 Student directed learning task In small groups (3-4 students) review your understanding of ONE Science Skill. Prepare a 5 minute Powerpoint presentation for the rest of the class as if you were a teacher addressing parents/carers in the Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 or 2. How will you help parents to understand the importance of this skill? What type of activities might you suggest / illustrate to develop this skill? How can adults recognise this skill in use? What is the adult’s role in nurturing and enhancing this skill? Prepare an A4 handout for the class (this could be your Powerpoints with notes) – upload this onto the LN in Week 12. March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP
Assignment Feedback Thank you for sharing your reflections about primary science. We were pleased that many of you: Have a very positive attitude to teaching primary science Value the investigative approach Are keen to identify creative contexts for learning Have identified personal targets and sources of support Recognise the value of discussion in sessions. Good assignments recognised that: points and ideas need to be supported with references to the literature and observations relating to practice; seminar sessions supported the assignment brief and marking criteria; reflection is important to discussion and shared extracts from your learning journal to evidence your developing thinking, well done. We now look forward to semester 2! March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science Semester 2 2012 KP
Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP IST follow - up Discuss and feedback readings. In table groups present the findings of your chosen investigation. Collate key points and feedback from the activities. Be prepared to present to the whole group for discussion. You may wish to consider: How you would organise these activities with a class The learning and NC objectives The cross-curricular links Creative contexts Skills used Use of dataloggers March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP
Independent Study Tasks Read King and Glackin (2010) in Reading Pack Read Harlen and Qualter Ch 19, 21, 22 Use this writing frame to complete an entry in your reflective journal. How have you seen science taught and organised in school? How did this facilitate learning in science? March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 8 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP
Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP Bibliography De Boo (2004) Nature Detectives Hatfield: ASE Cornell, J.B. (1987) Sharing Nature with Children: A parents’ and teachers’ handbook Exley Publications Earthwalks (1980) Acclimatisation Experiences Institute PO Box 288, Warrenville, II 60555 March 2012 Sem 2 Wk 11 Core 1 Science 2012 Outdoor Learning KP