Coordinator: Dr. Karla Lightfield: Bio 380 Introduction Coordinator: Dr. Karla Lightfield: TA: Christena Gazave UGA: Lauren Wilson
Safety Turn in signed form!
Required Materials Cappucino and Sherman. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual. 10th edition Helpful: Scientific Calculator
Grading: 350 Points Total Participation: 100 points Unknown Identification 70 points Technical Evaluations 20 points Lab Quizzes 60 points Lab Practical 100 points
Grading: 315-350=A 280-314=B 245-279=C 210-244=D 209 and below =E No curving or extra credit Mid-term Grade Mid-term grades will be posed by March 14th 2014 The last day to drop the course is April 11th 2014
Participation: 100pts Participation also includes completion of each day’s laboratory exercise including assigned questions Unexcused absence = loss of 10 participation points. Showing up unprepared = loss of 5 participation points. Chronic tardiness, leaving early (before tasks are completed), leaving a mess, acting disrespectfully= loss of 10 participation points per offense Each tardy is subjected to a 5 point penalty. If you know in advance that you will be late you must notify your TA in advance to avoid penalty. Using cell-phone without stepping out of lab will result in a 5 point penalty
Unknown Identification You will isolate an unknown microorganism to identify, using the techniques learned throughout the semester. You will keep a laboratory notebook detailing your efforts and will submit the journal and a short written laboratory report
Technical Evaluations Bacterial Isolation (10 points) Gram stain (10 points) Dates TBD, keep an eye on blackboard!
Quizzes 7 quizzes throughout the semester worth 10 points each. Lowest grade (or absence) is dropped Based on preparation for the lab (ie. reading the assigned lab) and understanding of the previous lab Given unannounced during the first 10 minutes of lab
Lab Practical April 3rd 2014 during normal class hours 100 point exam based on understanding of the lab exercises performed throughout the class. It cannot be made up, please let us know ASAP if you will be missing this lab session
Attendance Mandatory If you miss more than 20% of the labs (excused or unexcused) you will receive an “I” or an “E” in the course Let us know PRIOR to a scheduled absence so that you can make up the work
For Thursday No lab on Tuesday! Have your lab manual (10e, 9e ok too) Read through exercise 2 and 3: culture transfer and isolation for pure culture Exercise 1 and 2 in 9e book Be sure you understand the purpose of the exercises