Leon Bronstein ????
Childhood Lev Davidovich Bronstein Born to a well off Jewish farmer At 9, he went to school in Odessa
Schooling of a revolutionary Enrolled in secondary school at Nikolayev For the first months he focused on his studies Opposed socialist ideas
The Orchard (1896) It was in a hut where Trotsky first began to attend socialist meetings and discuss the ideas of the time Trotsky still had not read Marxism at this point in time
The girl in the hut Bronstein constantly got into arguments with Alexandra Sokolovskaya, a Marxist He insulted her and tried to cling to his beliefs regarding socialism One day he entered the hut and said that she had converted him, BUT…
The Library Rebellion The library board was trying to raise user’s fees The orchard group rallied the public and overthrew the board
Spring of 1897 Protests and demonstrations all across the country In March, a student-girl was imprisoned for her political convictions Committed suicide by burning herself in her cell
South Russian Workers Union (1897) Religious sectors of the working class quarters Group numbered 200 people Locksmiths, electricians, seamstresses, students Alexandra returned to join the group
Nashe Delo (Our Cause) These were leaflets handed out by the Union Talked about local conditions, conditions in factories, abuses by employers
Arrested Developments Trotsky was soon arrested Jailed in Kherson Other members of the group were tortured Many committed suicide
Isolation and nasty conditions Unheated, unaired cell Lots of vermin (rats, bugs) He was not allowed out to exercise Straw mattress
Exiled to Siberia Sentenced to 4 years in Siberia First stopped at a prison in Moscow
Stopover in Moscow It was here he first learned of Lenin Bronstein continued to argue and write Organized protests against the jail authorities “Hat protest”
Trotsky organizing in jail “Hat Protest” Prisoner solidarity Solitary confinement
Ust-Kut is lovely in the springtime Dirt, peasants Mosquitoes Vermin Vodka
Demonstrations at universities Strikes in factories Bogolepov shot Spring 1901 Demonstrations at universities Strikes in factories Bogolepov shot
Too much studying = protest Demonstrations at universities Strikes in factories Bogolepov shot
A Frankenstein revolution
A Frankenstein revolution While in Siberia, Trotsky began to argue that the Revolution needed to be controlled by a strong central committee This is very similar to what Marx and Engels stated in the Communist Manifesto
Bye Bye Bronstein His wife urged him to escape from Siberia Made his way to Irkustk Then to London
Trotsky is born Hid in a hay cart Had to assume a false identity Traveled through Germany
Knockin on Lenin’s door Hello Mr. Richter Trotsky was knocking on the door of history 30 Holford Square Knockin on Lenin’s door