Users’ Led Process (ULP) By Jonas Mugabe & Vesta Nunoo Workshop on harmonization of FARA’s promoted concepts on Innovation platforms Accra, 4th July 2015
WP3 action plan and proposals Action 2 : Better understanding of the FO communication needs What ? Organize face to face with FO’s representatives for a better understanding of their constraints and their communication needs Who ? WP3 When ? November Outputs A better vision of FO’s constraints and communication needs before the WP3 workshop (next action proposed) 14/02/2016 Titre diaporama
WP3 action plan and proposals Action 4 : Help others WPs in WP3 tasks What ? Help others WPs to achieve tasks necessary to WP3 activities First actions proposed : PAEPARD wps’ activities are frequently published on the website (intranet) Profile institutions database can be filled in by WP3 from data given by WP1 and WP2 Who ? WP3 When ? ASAP Outputs Fill in of the profile institution’s database from data gathered by WP1 and WP2 Animate and administrate PAEPARD website about wps’ project activities (summary of activities done, events and agenda, documents 14/02/2016 Titre diaporama
Multi-Stakeholder Innovation Partnerships brokerage mechanism Call 1: 14 December 2010: 82 proposals: 9 consortia selected Call 2: 03 June 2011: 69 received: 10 consortia selected 14/02/2016 Titre diaporama
Consortia from call 1 Sub-regions Consortia Themes /Objectives Southern-Africa Zimbabwe (University of Zimbabwe) Improving the incomes of smallholder farmers through increased access to livestock markets and livestock production to marketing value chain Malawi (University of Lilongwe) Partnership for Enhanced Aquaculture Innovation in Sub Saharan Africa (PEAISSA) South-Africa (NERPO) Overcoming barriers to sustainable livestock enterprises among marginal smallholders in South Africa East-Africa Uganda (Makerere University) Enhancing capacity/developing networks between North-South Universities in Research Methods training at PhD level Kenya (KARI) Reduce aflatoxin contamination along the maize value chain West-Africa Ghana (Concern Universal) Improving food security and income for smallholder farmers through improved post harvest technology Togo (Institut de Recherche Agricole) Agribusiness autour du Soja Togo (CASADDVR) Caractérisation de deux variétés du piment rouge pour améliorer la mise en marché et transformation semi-industrielle Senegal-Mali (Terra Nuova) Un partenariat Europe Afrique pour la création d’un outil de suivi de l’agriculture familiale 14/02/2016 Titre diaporama