GEO Task IN-05 Architecture Implementation Pilot, Phase 5 AIP-5 Kickoff Workshop UNEP Geneva 3-4 May 2012
AIP-5 Kickoff Opening Plenary Time Topic Speaker 9:00 Introduction of Plenary Agenda 9:05 Welcome to UNEP Gregory Giuliani 9:10 GEO Task IN-05: AIP and SIF – setting the stage for AIP-5 development George Percivall 9:30 Using the GCI Steve Browdy 9:45 Session introductions Session leads 10:45 Adjourn to sessions
GEO Task IN-05: AIP and SIF – setting the stage for AIP-5 development George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) May 2012
GEO Task IN-05 GEOSS Design and Interoperability Related GEOSS Strategic Targets Architecture: Deployment, population, and enablement of sustained operations and maintenance of a user-friendly and user-accessible GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI), including the core components and functions that link the various resources of GEOSS. Description Manage the evolutionary architecture (design) of GEOSS including contributed EO data and services Promote GEOSS interoperability principles. Enable a sustainable GEOSS of value to the user – supporting development of GCI and GEOSS communication networks for access to, and use of, EO and related services
GEO Task IN-05 GEOSS Design and Interoperability Priority Actions – Work Plan Design of GEOSS and Contributed Resources GEOSS Interoperability Analysis and Support GEOSS Research and Prototyping Priority Actions – IIB Encourage mature systems to interoperate with GCI Ensure access to GEOSS Data-CORE GCI research on user registration and licenses Approach Architecture Implementation Pilot, Phase 5 (AIP-5) Standards and Interoperability Forum (SIF)
IN-05 main coordination with GEO Tasks GEO Information for Societal Benefits Tasks Research Requirements Operations IN-03 GEOSS Common Infrastructure IN-05 GEOSS Design and Interoperability Research GEO Infrastructure Tasks - IIB
Expected Achievements by 2015 Increase access to Information for Societal Benefits Conduct research in support of GCI and Task IN-03 Support implementation of Data Sharing Principles Technical documentation of the GCI and the greater GEOSS architecture. Expanded tutorials for GEOSS providers and users. Implementation of SIF recommended metrics to monitor interoperability within GEOSS.
Agile Development in Phases AIP-1 Kickoff: Jun 2007; Alpha operations Nov 2007; Arch Workshop Feb 2008 "Core" Architecture defined initial version of GCI AIP-2 Kickoff Sep 2008; demo ISRSE May 2009; Beta operations Sep 2009 SBA implementations of common cross-cutting architecture; Refined GCI concept supporting transition to operations AIP-3 Kickoff Mar 2010; results to Beijing Plenary; Complete Feb 2011 Enabled network building in GEOSS SBA communities; Piloted Broker and processing capabilities AIP-4 Kickoff May 2011; results to Istanbul Plenary; Complete Dec 2011 Increased access to priority earth observation data; via server software, tutorials and application clients Agile development is a set of iterations. Initial phases, iterations created discovery – GCI Current and next phases focus on Access to Data “Fostering interoperability arrangements and common practices for GEOSS”
Activities in an AIP phase Participation IN-05 Architecture Implementation Pilot Evolutionary Development Process Concept Development Participation Continuous interaction with external activities Call for Participation Participation Kickoff Workshop Architecture Documentation Updates for each step Baseline Participation Deploy and Interop. Test Participation Persistent Operations Operational Baseline and Lessons Learned for next evolutionary spiral
AIP-5 Master Schedule
AIP-5 Call for Participation CFP issued 28 February 2012; 3 documents: AIP-5 CFP Summary AIP Development Process GEOSS AIP Architecture Invited GEO Members/Participating Organizations to: Collaboratively deploy SBA scenarios Deploy, register and test services; based on Interoperability Arrangements Refine architecture; working with SIF
Responses to AIP-5 Call for Participation Aquatic Informatics CAAS and Tsinghua CIESIN Compusult CSISS – GMU CHUASI EO2HEAVEN GeoViQua GEOWOW Hydrology GEOWOW Architecture GIS-FCU IEEE INCOSE MINES ParisTech/ ENDORSE NASA NASRDA NIWA NOAA PML PYXIS TUD-GLUES UNEP Live Univ of Tokyo Responses to AIP-5 CFP are posted CFP remains open
Abstract/Best Practices Implementation/Development AIP Architecture Community Objectives Business aspects: purpose, scope and policies What for? Why? Who? When? Enterprise Viewpoint Abstract/Best Practices Information sources and models What is it about? Types of services and protocols How does each bit work? Information Viewpoint Computational Viewpoint Implementation/Development Solution optimization: distribution infrastructure How do the components work together? Engineering Viewpoint Technology Viewpoint Implementation system: hardware, software, distribution With what? GEOSS AIP Architecture organized with RM-ODP Viewpoints
Enterprise Viewpoint GEOSS Strategic Vision and Targets System of Systems approach SBA Scenarios deployed using Tech Use Cases Interoperability Arrangements SBA’s in AIP-5 Disasters preparedness and mitigation Health: AQ and Waterborne Water Resource Observations Energy Agriculture
Information Viewpoint Spatial Referencing Geophysical Observations Observations and Features Modelling and Data Assimilation Maps and Alert Messages Registries and Metadata Data Policy, Rights Management, Licenses QA, Uncertainty and Provenance Semantics and Ontologies
Computational Viewpoint Service Oriented Architecture Catalog/Registry Services Data Access and Order Services Processing Services and Service Chaining Sensor Web Services User Identity and Management Services
Engineering Components: Host data; Interact thru Services Main GEO Web Site Registered Community Resources GEOSS Common Infrastructure GEO Web Portal Community Portals Client Applications Client Tier Registries Components & Services CSW WMS CSW WMS CSW WMS WPS Access CSW Standards and Interoperability GEOSS Clearinghouse Mediation Tier CSW Best Practices Wiki Community Catalogues Workflow Management User Management Discovery Brokers User Requirements WMS WPS WCS WFS EO Vocabulary Test Facility Portrayal Servers Processing Servers Access Brokers WCS WFS Access Access FTP Order OPeNDAP WCS WFS Access Tier SOS SAS SPS GEONETCast Data Servers Sensor Web Servers Model Web Servers
GEOSS AIP Use Case Summary Discover Resources Visualize and Access GEOSS Resource Provider GEOSS User Process and Automate Maintain and Support SoS Publish Resources
GEOSS Actors
Use Cases: Publish Resources - P
Use Cases: Discover Resources - D
Use Cases: Visualize and Access - A
Use Cases: Process and Automate - W
AIP Development Process Scenarios: end user view of the value of GEOSS Focused on topics of interest to a community/SBA Occur in a geographic Area of Interest (AOI) Steps in a scenario are mapped to Use Cases Use Cases implement Scenarios Use cases for discovery, data access, etc Utilize Standards & Interoperability Arrangements SBA Integrators liaison between SBAs and IT Reusable service-oriented, common architecture
Energy Scenario and Use Cases (simplified) Reference: “Energy Scenario” Engineering Report, GEO AIP-3, Lionel Menard, January 6, 2011. Numbering of Use Cases was revised for AIP-5
Energy Scenario and Use Cases (not simplified) Reference: “Energy Scenario” Engineering Report, GEO AIP-3, Lionel Menard, January 6, 2011.
AIP development process modeling terms 1. SBA Scenarios 2. Enterprise Models Scenario 1 1…N Process Expressed as Activity Enterprise object 1 1 1 List of Optimize Graph of Behaviour of 1…N 1…N 1…N Expressed as Step Action (Activity) Role 1 1…N 1 1 1 1 Action (use case) 1…N Use Case 1…N Actor 1 1…N Optimize 1…N Generalized Use Case Implemented by Specialized Use Case Service 1…N Component Type 1…N Implemented as 1 1…N 1…N 1…N 1…N Component Instance 1…N Encapsulated by Interoperability Arrangements 1…N Information Object 4. Deployment Plan 3. Engineering Design
AIP development process modeling terms 1. SBA Scenarios 2. Enterprise Models Scenario 1 1…N Process Expressed as Activity Enterprise object 1 1 1 List of Optimize Graph of Behaviour of 1…N 1…N 1…N Expressed as Action (Activity) AIP development process modeling terms Step Role 1 1…N 1 1 1 1 Action (use case) 1…N Use Case 1…N Actor 1 1…N Optimize 1…N Generalized Use Case Implemented by Specialized Use Case Service 1…N Component Type 1…N Implemented as 1 1…N 1…N 1…N 1…N Component Instance 1…N Encapsulated by Interoperability Arrangements 1…N Information Object 4. Deployment Plan 3. Engineering Design
Design Process to Deploy SBA Scenarios 1. SBA Scenarios 2. Enterprise Models Optimize 3. Engineering Design Specify Information Framework Use Cases 4. Deployment Plan Component Types Services Tutorials for Deployment
SIF Assists in bringing more services online Tutorial development Help with interoperability issues The goal of the SIF is to enable ever-greater degrees of interoperability among GEOSS-contributed resources through facilitation, technical analysis, advocacy and education. Use of the SIF is encouraged for AIP participants if guidance and assistance is desired with respect to interoperability arrangements and objectives.
Tutorial Development and Publication Led by SIF GEOSS Best Practices Wiki used AIP-4 Published Tutorials WFS, WCS, WMS, SOS, WPS AIP-5 Participants to Tutorials CSISS-GMU, EO2HEAVEN GEOWOW, NASA NOAA, TUD-GLUES UNEP-Live, GeoViQua Best Practices can be published, as well Tutorials written in AIP-4 and those to be written or enhanced in AIP-5.
Tutorials on Best Practice Wiki Developed in private area Becomes public when published Follows a uniform structure Periodic telecons for: reviews issue resolution publication planning
AIP Communication Plan Telecons AIP Plenary Telecon - Tuesdays WG Telecons – as determined by WG leads E-mail list-servers Lists for work groups to be formed Collaboration Resources GeoViQua Wiki for AIP internal development GEO Best Practice Wiki for final products
Twiki zone for AIP5 as a collaborative environment
Twiki zone for AIP5 as a collaborative environment AIP5 twiki web is public for reading requires registration for writing/editing. How to register? (Normal registration page is closed to avoid fake user registration) To register add “Hidden” to the normal registration URL, or use this URL directly: Once registered you will be manually added to the AIP5Group (it can take time but we will try to do it fast). Once you receive an email message saying that you are part of the AIP5Group you will be able to edit and create new pages in the twiki zone
Twiki zone for AIP5 as a collaborative environment How to add content Currently, there is only the main page with the provisional list of AIP5 topics. This will evolve to a list of working groups. Once in your working group page you can create new pages yourself By default [edit] gives you a visual environment but, [raw edit] is not so hard. Attach document is possible but performance is degraded when submitting documents > 10Mb. Questions The manuals and helps are very complete Contact
AIP-5 Kickoff Workshop Objectives Refine collaboration and interoperability goals Develop scenarios meeting SBA needs Develop detailed design based on GEOSS AIP Architecture Develop detailed plan and schedule Determine if a Working Group should be formed
References GEO GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEOSS registries and SIF