Supplier Sourcing Guide Last Modified: 09.07.16
Supplier Sourcing Guide Legend Please note that the following icons are used throughout this document to assist in your learning of new business processes: Dependencies - Important workflow, data and organizational dependencies Key Note - Key Information to make note of and/or remember Tip - Important tip or helpful information
Supplier Sourcing Guide SECTION TOPIC SLIDE Sourcing How Suppliers Participate 4 Intending to Respond 6 Submitting Response 7 Contacting Event Owner 8
How Suppliers Participate in Events Supplier Sourcing Guide How Suppliers Participate in Events Suppliers do not need to have a Coupa account or access to the Coupa Supplier Network to take part in sourcing events. With only the event invite they'll be able to access the event through the invitation link. The link is unique for each invite and is also non-intuitive, so you don't have to worry about someone guessing a link URL and gaining illegitimate access to your event. As an invited supplier, you can forward the link to others in your company to collaborate on the event responses. When suppliers click the event link, they are taken to the event page where they can see the: Event Info tab Responses tab The suppliers event info tab Under the Event Info tab, suppliers can see the event: Invitation message Rules Terms and Conditions Timeline Business Partners / Event Team
Supplier Sourcing Guide The responses tab Under the responses tab, suppliers can: Review their company info and upload a logo file. Review event attachments and add responses. Note: Suppliers can upload attachments for responses only if allowed to do so by the event organizer Review and respond to event questionnaires Submit quotes for items, services, and lots. Use the message board to ask you questions. Although they can contact you here and you can respond to all of the suppliers with one message, suppliers cannot talk to each other through the message board. Messages you send to suppliers trigger email notifications for them. How suppliers respond to events: Click the event link from the invitation email. Review the event info and agree to the terms and services, if required. Click the Response tab. Fill out the required information related to attachments, questionnaires, and item prices. Click Submit Response to Buyer.
Intending to Participate Supplier Sourcing Guide Intending to Participate As a supplier invited to the sourcing event, you have the ability to perform two different actions: Intend to Participate Respond/View Event Instructions: To intend to participate and notify the event owner, please follow the below instructions: From Email Open the event invitation email From within the email, click the “I intend to Participate” button Intent is automatically saved -OR- From Event Click the “View Event” button Once in the event, click the “Event Info” tab Check the box under “Intend to Respond”
Submitting a Response Supplier Sourcing Guide Instructions: As a supplier invited to the sourcing event, you have the ability to perform two different actions: Intend to Participate Respond/View Event Instructions: To submit a response and notify the event owner, please follow the below instructions: From Event (enter by clicking on “View Event” from the event invitation email) Click on the “Enter Response” button Review any attachments / upload any required information (as noted on attachment instructions) Click the file to download (this will download onto browser) To add new, click the “Choose File” button and browse to search for and attach your file Review and answer any associate questionnaires (as required) Click each questionnaire to enter and answer the associated questions Review and submit bid on any relevant items and/or lots Click on each individual item line (or lot) to enter a response (bid) Click the “Submit Response to Buyer” button to finalize Reponses are automatically sent to the event owner
Contacting Event Owner Supplier Sourcing Guide Contacting Event Owner As a supplier invited to the sourcing event, you have the ability to perform two different actions: Intend to Participate Respond/View Event Instructions: To contact the event owner from within the event, please follow the below instructions: From Event (enter by clicking on “View Event” from the event invitation email) Find the “Messages” portal at the bottom left of the screen Click to expand Type your message Click the “Send Message” button Your message is sent to the event owner
Supplier Sourcing Guide Appendix
Supplier Sourcing Guide Coupa Sourcing: Responding to an event – RFQ Process Flow 1.03 Click on an event to respond 1.04 Review and accept Terms and Conditions 1.05 Click on ‘Enter Response’ button 1.06 Review attachments 1.07 Complete Questionnaires 1.08 Enter Price for applicable items/lots 1.09 Click on ‘Submit Response to Buyer’ button 1.02 Use link within email to access event 1.01 Receive event invitation email Supplier
Supplier Sourcing Guide Coupa Sourcing: Responding to an event – RFP Process Flow 1.03 Click on an event to respond 1.04 Review and accept Terms and Conditions 1.05 Click on ‘Enter Response’ button 1.06 Review attachments 1.07 Complete Questionnaires 1.08 Enter Price (if applicable) 1.09 Click on ‘Submit Response to Buyer’ button 1.02 Use link within email to access event 1.01 Receive event invitation email Supplier
Supplier Sourcing Guide Coupa Sourcing: Responding to an event – RFI Process Flow 1.03 Click on an event to respond 1.04 Review and accept Terms and Conditions 1.05 Click on ‘Enter Response’ button 1.06 Review attachments 1.07 Complete Questionnaires 1.08 Enter Price (if applicable) 1.09 Click on ‘Submit Response to Buyer’ button 1.02 Use link within email to access event 1.01 Receive event invitation email Supplier