Graphical Analysis of Motion We will be turning graphs into words and numbers, as well as numbers and words into graphs!
The Essential Question What is the value of a graph?
Unit Question How are velocity and acceleration related? How are velocity, distance & time related?
Content Questions What does constant acceleration look like on a velocity time graph? How can you find velocity from a position time graph? How do you determine displacement on a position vs. time graph
Prior Knowledge Inventory In order to best serve you, I need to know what you already know. I’m also interested in how well you understand new material and how you learn best.
Where do you want to be in ten years? High school is a forum for you to explore a variety of disciplines and determine what you will be doing after graduation. The more involved you are in high school life and the more thought you give to what you hope to become, the more relevant your education will become.
Teacher’s Role I believe that one of my biggest goals is to help prepare you for whatever it is you want to do after high school. The more I know about you and what you want out of life, the easier it will be for me to assist you.
So… what’s the unit going to look like? Day 1: Unstructured period learning about the sensors and software. Days 2-5: Structured Labs and Problem Solving. Days 6-9: Structured Labs/Designing Lab or your choice w/partner. Day 10: Present what you’ve learned to the rest of the class.