Cart on Ramp Lab
Data Collection and Analysis Start the car from different heights on the ramp. Each time store the run. 5 times. Look at the displacement-time and velocity-time graphs. Write the equation for each graph. Consider the meaning of each constant in each equation. Look for similarities between the constants for the two equations.
Data Collection and Analysis Part 2 Create a velocity-position graph. In order to get an equation for this data you may need to create a calculated column. Find the equation for this graph and compare the constants to the constants in the other two graphs. Can you determine what the constants represent?
Write Up Include 4 graphs from one set of data. (Position, velocity, acceleration and velocity- position) Include the equations from all 5 data sets. Be sure to include units and variables. Answer the following questions. What does the shape of the displacement-time graph tell you about the motion of the car? What does the shape of the velocity-time graph tell you about the motion of the car? What does the shape of the velocity-displacement graph tell you about the motion of the car? What do the constants in each equation represent? How are the constants similar and different between the different runs? What does this tell you about the car’s motion? What are possible errors? Are these systematic or random errors? Do they lead to a lack of precision or a lack of accuracy?