‘Respect – Integrity – Inclusiveness - Commitment’


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Presentation transcript:

‘Respect – Integrity – Inclusiveness - Commitment’ ‘Partnership’ and ‘Accountability’ Welcome the second Third Sector Forum here in [locality], these are your events, your opportunity to network and engage with other Third Sector organisations and partners, enable you to bring your experience, views and ideas on how the sector can contribute to our community planning partners and hopefully drive forward a positive outlook for this sector by highlighting the impact it has on the local and wider communities of South Lanarkshire. We would encourage you to get involved and contribute to what is your forum.

A brief overview of feedback from January events. The agenda for today A brief overview of feedback from January events. What’s out there? Activity based workshop. Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), a chance to see your locality from a service provision viewpoint. Break and a chance to network. A selection of workshop based updates/interactive sessions. Getting it Right for Every Child in South Lanarkshire. OSCR New Annual Return and Trustees Guidance. Training and development, what’s needed? Locality representatives, Children’s Services and Health and Social Care. Over to you and your chance to discuss locality matters. Moving forward from the initial scene setting events in January, we have looked at the feedback and have included some of the key points within today’s forum. You wanted to know what other services are out there and what are the locality needs. The full feedback was issued following the January event, however, if you’ve not seen it let one of our team know and we can e-mail this to you.

Feedback from the January Events. Related to Community Planning Partners: A clear vision on how the TSF fits in with the community planning process. Related to Locality awareness: What services the sector provides in the locality, building a picture of what the locality looks like and have details on the needs of the locality. Partnership and Collaboration: Provide examples of where organisations work well in partnership. Funding: Ensuring funders are more in tune with local needs. Key feedback from January. How does the TSF fit with CPP. Can we build a picture of the locality, what services are out there. Examples of partnership working, and the ongoing issue of funding. We will touch on each of these points during today, starting with ‘How does the TSF fit with CPP?’

How the TSF fits in with the community planning process. Third Sector Forum Locality Planning Group (C.S / HSC) Integration Board / Children’s Services Strategy Group. Community Planning Partnership How the TSF fits in with the community planning process. Community Planning Partners meet within wide number of key steering and strategic groups; However, over recent months the key areas that the Third Sector can feed into sit within these four.

How the TSF fits in with the community planning process. Third Sector Forum Locality Planning Group (C.S / HSC) Integration Board / Children’s Services Strategy Group. Community Planning Partnership How the TSF fits in with the community planning process. Our links from and into the forum will sit with these two key areas, locality planning groups and the Integrated board and Children’s Services Strategy Group. We have been successful in getting representation onto these key platforms both from VASLan and a locality sector representation. WE WILL BE SPEAKING ABOUT THIS A BIT LATER TODAY…..LOCALITY REPS.

What’s out there? An activity based workshop. So, what’s out there, VASLan can produce a vast array of data liked to services across the South Lanarkshire area.

Brief explanation of MILO

Brief explanation of MILO

An example of the data, there is a greater level of details available, however we want to improve this to allow greater visibility of the services that are available.

Your Organisation Main Operating Area(s) Main Client Group(s) Client Services(s) Key Activities Name and Post Code E.G (Please identify one operating sector) Addiction Services, Befriending, Mental Health, Leisure   E.G Children, Families, Adults (18-50), Older people (50+) Housing, Homeless. Counselling, Signposting, Advice. Sport, Leisure A table top exercise that will help to achieve this by assisting us to better define the type of services with the locality and across South Lanarkshire. If you feel that you cant use one of the categories provide please use one that you feel is most appropriate to your organisation, just highlight it as ‘NEW’

What’s out there? Pieces of the Jigsaw. Your Organisation Select your main operating area Select your main client services Select your client group Select your activity area Explanatory graphic, leave slide visible until activity complete.

Partnerships in Action A community-based consolidated and integrated drug and alcohol treatment service for young people and adults. Delivering shared care, working within the community with a range of outreach services and in local hospitals with local GPs and pharmacists. The contract is delivered by Nacro for Wolverhampton City Council in partnership with Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and Aquarius*. *Part of the Richmond Fellowship Group http://www.recoverynearyou.org.uk At the last forum we were asked about examples of partnerships that worked well. CD’s experience of one that was set up by Nacro in partnership with Aquarius, the service provides a full substance misuse service including a full clinical team includes a consultant psychiatrist, two specialist GPs, medical and non-medical prescribers, mental health nurses and dedicated drug workers

Partnerships in Action A new service based in Edinburgh working with survivors and people at risk of Honour-Based Violence. The service is a partnership between Sacro, Multi-Cultural Family Base and the Edinburgh and Lothian Regional Equality Council. The Big Lottery Fund have commissioned this four year project. http://www.sacro.org.uk/services/criminal-justice/bright-choices An £800,000 partnership project. The support project was set up by community justice organisation Sacro, Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council and the charity Multi-Cultural Family Base, following consultation with Police Scotland.

Ensuring funders are more in tune with local needs. Big Lottery are aware of the South Lanarkshire TSF, and are keen to engage. Funding roadshows.

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Your locality from a service provision viewpoint. As part of understanding other services Citizens Advice Bureau have agree to provide and overview of CAB and more importantly what are the key issues in this locality.

Break and Networking 15 minutes

Speed Workshops 15 minute sessions Getting it Right for Every Child in South Lanarkshire. OSCR New Annual Return and Trustees Guidance. Training and development, what’s needed. Again, looking at the feedback and the request of more networking / activity, we though we would provide a few quick sessions on these topics.

Locality Representatives At the January events we spoke about having a discussion / vote on locality representation at the Health and Social care Locality Planning Groups. To date only one scene setting meetings have taken place, and to add to that this week has seen the start of GIRFEC Locality Planning Groups. What we would ask you to agree, is that the interim reps for Health and Social care Locality Planning Groups remain as is until such time as we are clear on the level of commitment required. As for the GIRFEC Locality Planning Groups, we would ask that if you are interested and it’s appropriate to your operational area that you e-mail Charlie to register your interest, as with the Health and Social Care meetings it’s unclear on the level of commitment that will be needed. What we do know is that both these locality groups will meet on a quarterly basis, and we are looking at how we schedule the TSF meeting to ensure we can make the best linkages.

- Over to You -

- Closing Remarks -

Working in Partnership Making the Links Working in Partnership

Making the Links

What’s out there? Sector linkages. ADP Social Work Provider B NHS Provider C Provider B CMHT Police

What’s out there? Sector linkages. Social Work ADP CMHT Police NHS Provider C Provider A Provider B