Converting the North Front Range Model to TransCAD LSA Associates, Inc. Colorado Model Users Group Meeting August 2001
Agenda Conversion User Interfaces Enhancements Applications This is a quick introduction to today’s meeting. Explain that we encourage them to ask questions as they come up and that the schedule is flexible.
Model Conversion Process Existing Model The converted model from Caliper was not ready to go! The model from Caliper was a basic framework and starting point. Initial Model Conversion (Caliper or LSA) Network Conflation and Model Replication EVERETT WILL GIVE ME A NEW SLIDE FOR THIS ONE!! Performance Reporting Model Enhancements Calibration / Validation
Model Replication Mimic the steps and parameters used in the old model Gives credibility to the TransCAD model and assures everyone of a sound model Learn where the greatest need of update/revision is in the model
TransCAD Capabilities Data can be presented in easy to understand visual presentations Data is easy to verify visually Land use and TAZ data can be combined to produce socioeconomic data Interface with other city and county functions Geocoding data GIS enables the data to be presented at public meetings easily. This greatly aides the public understanding of the modeling results. GIS makes the data much easier to scrutinize – yielding a much more consistent model.
Model User Interface The dialog boxes that run the whole model Reduce errors by eliminating point/click/type commands GISDK is the key to programming the model
Scenario Manager Created using GISDK Manages all files related to each alternative An example of the Mason Street model scenario manager. All input and output files are chosen with this dialog box. It uses typical Windows file open and file save as dialog boxes to find the correct files. Since file names can be named in a logical manner, it is easy to find the correct files.
GIS Developer’s Kit (GISDK) Programmed exactly what we wanted TransCAD to do Allowed for any method or procedure that was mathematically sound Full customization of dialog boxes The Mason Street model script contained 8,500 lines
Model Enhancements Surveys / Data Collection Socioeconomic Data Networks and Pathbuilding Trip Generation Trip Distribution Mode Analysis Traffic Assignment Performance Reporting
Model Enhancements Improve the model to get better results Change parameters to better utilize technology advancements (iterations, convergence, etc.) Incorporate new theories and procedures
Survey Data 1999 Vehicle Intercept Survey Postcards Distributed: Postcards Returned: Completed Surveys: 61,100 19,600 (32%) 9,300 (15%) Data: O/D Patterns, Trip Purposes, Auto Occupancies
Survey Data 1999 CSU Special Generator Study Daily Person Trips to/from Main Campus Bike Walk Vehicles Bus Other Total 11,600 18,000 55,000 4,000 1,400 90,000 Data: O/D Patterns, Trip Rates, Time-of-day Factors, HBUNIV Trip Purpose Specification, Mode Shares
1999 CSU Special Generator Study Survey Data 1999 CSU Special Generator Study CSU Main Campus Mode of Travel Student/Visitor Trips Employee Trips
Survey Data 1999 Transfort Onboard Transit Survey Fort Collins Transit Trips Home-Work Home-School Home-Shop Other 16% 66% 4% 14% Data: Mode Choice Modeling
Survey Data 1998 Mobility Report Card Household Survey 1,100 Households surveyed 11,000 Person Trips All Modes: auto, bus, walk, bike Data: Trip Rates, Time-of-day Directional Factors, Diurnal Distributions, Trip Purposes
Modeling Process Socioeconomic Data How many trips? Trip Generation Roadway Network Trip Distribution Where will they go? Speed Feedback Transit Network Mode Analysis What mode? In TransCAD – show model dialog box Traffic Assignment Transit Assignment What route? Roadway Volumes Performance Report Transit Ridership Identify needs Alternatives analysis
Networks GIS Networks Transit Routes Traffic Counts Roadway System Air Quality Performance Time of Day Volumes
1998 Roadway Network Conflation to Actual Distances Local Government Review Peak (congested) and Off-peak Speeds from Floating Car Survey
Socioeconomic Data and TAZ Structure GIS TAZ Structure Area based Indexes Area Type Performance and Air Quality Terminal Penalties
Socioeconomic Data HOUSEHOLD INCOME 1 2 3 4 5+ TOTAL LOW Bivariate Distribution Estimated from Fratar Process Using 1990 Census Data MEDIUM From Socio-economic Data HIGH
Trip Generation Productions Cross-classified by Household Size and Income New Trip Purposes: HBW HBNW – HBUNIV, HBSHOP, HBOTHER NHB – WBO, OBO Production Allocation Models: HBUNIV and WBO Trips Special Generators: Non-HBUNIV Trips for University locations and WBO Trips
University Production Allocation Distance-based algorithm
Trip Distribution Standard Gravity Model No K-factors! Peak and Off-peak Specificity added Speed Feedback AM Peak Period Congested Speeds Off-Peak Free-flow Speeds Friction Factors – calibrated curves versus lookup table
1998 Transit Route Structure Bus Stop Detail Bus Speed a function of auto speeds Sensitive to background network Version 3.6: only one stop node per route node circuity
Park and Ride Coding
Alternative Modes Mode Split Mode Choice Bike and pedestrian trips – distance based algorithm Non-Fort Collins transit trips Mode Choice Fort Collins transit trips HBW, HBUNIV – Nested Logit model Others – Binomial Logit model
Nested Logit Structure Choice Drive Alone Shared Ride Transit Drive Alone Shared Ride Walk Access Drive Access Drive Alone 2 Person 3 Person 4+ Person Local Premium Formal Lot Informal Lot
Time of Day Traffic Assignment
Supply and Demand Analysis Difference
1998 Screenline Results
1998 Validation Results
Performance Reporting Provided consistent and convenient summary reports Created with GISDK Customized to the needs of Fort Collins Analysis tool for troubleshooting model runs Facilitates calibration and validation
Summary Reports The reports are customized using GISDK and summarize the model data in many ways, including… Facility Type and Area Type Capacity Analysis Congestion Delay Air Quality Emissions Results Summary reports allow the data to be summarized in the same way for each model run. This gives a great comparison tool between several model runs. You can be assured that the reports are summarizing the data in the exact same way – no place for user error.
Air Quality Analysis Link-based emissions Zone-based emissions (i.e. cold starts, evaporate VOCs, etc.) Air quality conformity determinations Redesignation and classification issues Integration with gridded urban airshed modeling Integration with Mobile5
GIS-Based Emissions Inventories Link-based emissions Gridded Overlay for Region Zone-based emissions
Post-Mason Opportunities More efficient programming resulting in shorter model run times and smaller file sizes Making the model easier to use TransCAD 4.0 modeling
Development Review Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance Traffic Impact Analysis Directional splits for a proposed development Impact of a development on a specific intersection
Routing and Shortest Path Applications Football games Parades Construction closures Fleet management (e.g., snowplows) Hazardous waste Emergency response
Intersection Analysis Intersection Flow Diagram Volumes from TransCAD Actual Traffic Counts NCHRP 255 Process VISSIM 3D Animation Synchro Intersection Analysis SimTraffic 2D Animation There has always been a concern about getting future intersection levels of service from a link based travel demand forecasting model. We are currently working on a process to expedite getting the intersection levels of service into 3d animation.
LSA Associates, Inc. 132 West Mountain Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80524 970.494.1568 The ending slide