United Nations World Programme of Population and Housing Censuses Experiences and lessons learned
Resolution 1995/7 Urged Member States to: Carry out population and housing censuses during the period 1995-2004; and Provide census results to the United Nations and other appropriate intergovernmental organizations. Requested the Secretary-General to: Proceed with the development of the 2000 World Programme Source: United Nations Economic and Social Council
Carry out population and housing censuses during the period 1995-2004 1. Number of countries and areas of the world increased to 231 from 212 countries and areas) 2. The number conducting censuses increased ( to 196 from187 countries and areas). 3. Proportion of the population covered by population censuses decreased ( to 89% from 92% of world population).
Conducted /Not Conducted 1990 2000 United Nations Statistics Division – As of July 2004
Population covered in the 2000 Round; World and Regions United Nations Statistics Division – As of July 2004
Censuses in Africa: A Problem 1990 Round 2000 Round
Provide census results to the United Nations and other organizations Source: United Nations Statistics Division
Implement the 2000 World Programme of Population and Housing Census Principles and Recommendations Handbooks and Technical reports Collection of census data from Member States through the Demographic Yearbook Technical cooperation especially in countries with difficult circumstances Expert group meetings Workshops, training seminars, training materials
Plans for the Future A resolution for the 2010 World Programme Active Involvement of Member States: A Proposal
Active Involvement of Member States: A Proposal Set priorities – Recognize emerging Issues Add to the value of censuses through public trust and involvement of a broader group of people and interest groups Conduct – Alternative designs/IT Report – Electronic exchange Share and exchange necessary expertise, resources and management experience Support the UNSD Trust Fund for active involvement Address the problems of countries in especially difficult circumstances
2010 World Programme of Population and Housing Censuses Resolution - Priorities Principles and Recommendations – 1.0? Handbooks/Manuals - Topics Coordination mechanisms – Expert Group Technical Cooperation – A forum? Reporting mechanisms – Minimize the burden, improve the timeliness, strengthen the electronic use of the UN Demographic Yearbook