Medieval Art Focus on the sacred Two-dimensional Representational movements and facial expressions Meant to communicate religious stories and ideas
Celtic Art
Carvings from Germany and Italy
Book Illustrations: Book Cover
Book Illustrations: Illuminations
Book Illustrations: Miniatures
Book Illustrations
Romanesque Architecture Large buildings Heavy walls with few windows Rounded arches Relief sculpture in portals Columns with carved capitals Vezelay Cathedral
Romanesque Architecture St.-Martin-du-Canigou St. Etienne
Romanesque Architecture St.-Martin-de-Champs Paray-le-Monial
Romanesque Architecture: Carved Capitals
Romanesque Architecture: Sculpture Reliefs
Byzantine Art
Byzantine Art
Byzantine Influence on other parts of Europe
Byzantine Influence on other parts of Europe Frescos
Byzantine Influence on other parts of Europe
Gothic Art Ornate Religious Anachronisms
Gothic Art: Macabre
Gothic Art: Macabre
Gothic Art: Macabre
Gothic Architecture Interior is light-filled and airy Tall spires and thin walls Stained glass windows Flying Buttresses for support Ornate carvings Pointed arches Took long time to build Chartres Cologne
Notre Dame of Paris
Gothic Architecture Yorkminster exterior Yorkminster interior
Gothic Architecture: Stained Glass Windows
Gothic Architecture: Flying Buttresses
Gothic Architecture: Pointed Arches
Gothic Architecture: Carvings
Gothic Architecture: Carvings
Gothic Architecture: Carvings
Gothic Architecture: Carvings
Gothic Architecture: Gargoyles
Next up: Italian Renaissance Art