St John’s International School Next Steps October 2016
Jargon – unravelled What are AS and A levels ? Normally 3 Full A Levels + an AS (now worth 40%) BTEC - Level 1, 2 (IGCSE) and 3 (A’ Level, need C Grade at IGCSE) IB Diploma (International Baccalaureate) 3 Core Elements + 6 subjects UCAS Tariff Points
Changes to A Levels AS qualifications will become standalone and not count towards A2 * AS and A Levels will be assessed at the end of the course* No Modular / January exams Greater emphasis will be placed on exams as the most effective form of assessment. Some A Level subjects may disappear * Greater emphasis on Maths in Science subjects AS now worth 40% of Full A2 Entry requirements normally min B in each subject .. * Not Cambridge International A levels As Grades will not count towards the full A2 ie have to retake ..
What AS / A Levels • A/AS Level English Literature A/AS Level English Language • IELTS Academic Module (English) • A/AS Level Mathematics • A/AS Level Physics • A/AS Level Biology • A/AS Level Chemistry* • A/AS Level Applied ICT • A/AS Level Geography A/AS Music • A/AS Media Studies A/AS Psychology A/AS Art and Design A/AS Business Studies A/AS Computer Science A/AS French A/AS German A/AS Spanish AS Global Perspectives A/AS History A/AS Physical Education Choosing you’re a levels … Pharmacy must have: chemistry, plus at least one from biology, maths and physics English must have: usually English literature, maybe English literature and language or English language Geology / earth sciences must have: at least two from maths, physics, chemistry and biology Economics sometimes need: maths, very rarely do you need economics
The IB 3 Core Elements The six subject groups are: Theory of knowledge, students reflect on the nature of knowledge The extended essay, An independent piece of research - 4,000-word paper. Creativity, activity, service, Project related to those three concepts. The six subject groups are: Studies in language and literature Language acquisition Individuals and societies (Humanities) Sciences. Mathematics The arts * * Can choose additional sciences, individuals and societies, or languages course, instead of a course in the arts. Each student takes at least three (but not more than four) subjects at higher level, and the remaining at standard level.
Apprenticeships Intermediate Apprenticeship –Level 2Exeter Advanced Apprenticeship – Level 3 Combination of work placed learning and day release college days Get paid to study (min wage) Accountancy, Engineering, Building, catering, Retail, Sports and Leisure … hairdressing …
UCAS- IB vs A Level IB – top mark is same as A* 56 (higher ) and 28 (core) Extended project max 28 points A* * Not all Universities use the Tariff Point System and there are many other options incl BTEC, Double Award A levels, Pre-U ..
What are my options? School based Sixth Form Centre Tertiary Education College Vocational Specialised Education Centre (Agricultural College, Music College, Theatre School)
School Based Sixth Form ? Good transition between school and university/ work Lots of opportunities for extra curricula activities Opportunities for leadership placements :- prefect / Head of Houses/ School Good Support Services Flexibility for traditional qualifications combined with some vocational courses Ideal for students who like /need the support of a school establishment, but who are ready for more freedom and opportunities.
Tertiary College ? Much larger and more extensive courses on offer (Exeter College boasts 4,000 students and staff) Adult learning environment Extensive course list :- traditional A levels, vocational courses, academies and apprenticeships. Ideal for students wanting a much more independent learning environment – and those who are able to manage their own learning priorities Consider transport / opportunities to be noticed / Distractions
Bicton College ? Wide range of vocational (practical based) courses- Mostly BTEC qualifications Level 1, 2 and 3 BTEC qualifications Over 50 Courses including :- Animal Care Equine Studies Land based Technology Military Service Sport – including Rugby at Exeter Chiefs Academy Floristry and Horticulture Engineering …..
IES Schools SJS will no longer be offering a conventional 2 year Sixth Form program Boca (Florida, USA) – IB Boarding School Strong Focus on Sports SJS will be offering flexible Short Course options for EAL pupils
The all Important Enrichment Program
What Next ? … do your homework Start looking at your options Have an idea of what your future plans are:- Is University for you ? Are A Levels, IB or an Apprenticeship for you ? What entry requirements do you need ? Build up your personal statement & work Experience When do you need to apply ? Gain the all important predicted grades ! Decide what is best for you (not your friends !)
Dates for Your Diary Local Open Days .. Bicton :- 26th October & 15th February 2017 Exeter College :- 17 October & 15 November Kings School Sixth Form :- 24 November@ 6PM Sidmouth College :- 22 November 2016 @ 7pm
Useful Websites .. (Spartan Career Test)