Consistent Verb Tenses Grade 10: l Consistent Verb Tenses
What do you Notice? “If the sandstorm was really strong, it knocked you over, and you Rolled around like you were a tumbleweed.” – Jeannette Wells, The Glass Castle “They’re the ones I can’t stand to look at, although on many occasions I still fail. I deliberately seek out the colors to keep my mind off them, but now and then, I witness the ones who are left behind, crumbling among the jigsaw puzzle of realization, despair, and surprise.” – Mark Zusak, The Book Thief “Beatty knocked his pipe into the palm of his pink hand, studied the ashes as if they were a symbol to be diagnosed, and searched for meaning.” – Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 Grade 10: l Consistent Verb Tense
Invitation to Compare Compare and contrast the two sentences below: Sentence One: Beatty knocked his pipe into the palm of his pink hand, studied the ashes as if they were a symbol to be diagnosed and searched for meaning. Sentence Two: Beatty knocked his pipe into the palm of his pink hand, studies the ashes as if they are a symbol to be diagnosed and searched for meaning. Grade 10: l Consistent Verb Tense
Invitation to Revise Revise the following example changing all verbs from present tense to past tense. Be sure to keep consistent with the past verb tense. They’re the ones I can’t stand to look at, although on many occasions I still fail. I deliberately seek out the colors to keep my mind off them, but now and then, I witness the ones who are left behind, crumbling among the jigsaw puzzle of realization, despair, and surprise. Grade 10: l Consistent Verb Tense
Invitation to Edit What’s wrong? If the sandstorm was really strong, it knocked you over, and you rolled around like you were a tumbleweed. If the sandstorm was really strong it knocked you over, and you rolled around like you were a tumbleweed. If the sandstorm was real strong, it knocked you over, and you rolled If the sandstorm was really strong, it knocked you over, and I rolled around like I was a tumbleweed. If the sandstorm was really strong, it knocks you over, and you rolled Grade 10: l Consistent Verb Tense
Invitation to Write Write a short passage about the best day you’ve ever had OR your idea of a perfect day. You must use at least five verbs which can include action and linking verbs. NOTE: If you choose the best day you’ve ever had, although this event happened in the past, you CAN choose to write it completely in Present Tense. It is your choice, but you must stay consistent with your tenses. REMINDER: Verbals do NOT function as verbs in a sentence. A verb form after the word “to” is usually an infinitive. For example: to walk, to read, or to go Grade 10: l Consistent Verb Tense