Highway Transportation System CHAPTER 1 Highway Transportation System
What are the three parts of the HTS? People – the users Vehicles – range from small to large and 2 wheels to 18 Roadways - from dirt roads to multilane expressways
Causes of HTS Failures User, vehicle, or road can break down Flat tire Road construction Road closed Car over heated Falling asleep MANY More…
Drivers cause most HTS failures due to common errors failing to stay in the proper lane failing to yield to the right away driving too fast for conditions or in general driving on the wrong side of road inexperience or overconfidence
Effects of drivers error Injuries (major/minor) Loss of life Property damage Medical costs
The Three E’s = Efficiency
Engineering Engineers are responsible for better designed vehicles, roads, and traffic control systems Cars: Belts, tires, airbags, fuel-efficient, collision Roads: banked curves, old roads rebuilt/repaired, install traffic signals, signs, etc…
Education Starts when we are first born-crossing the street, riding a bike, etc… Problem solving skills you develop will enable you to act responsibly behind the wheel.
Enforcement Traffic laws help regulate the behavior of highway users. Roadblock might discourage users from drinking and driving. Provide assistance and coordinate emergency services at the scene of a collision. Help keep traffic and HTS running smoothly
Responsibilities of Drivers Physical Condition You must be physically able to drive safely and be capable of handling situations that may arise. In some states certain physical disabilities or conditions may prevent you from obtaining a license Emotional is just as important as physical!!! Certain prescription drugs and non-prescription drugs may affect a driver’s skills. (Alcohol in small doses too!)
A safe Vehicle You are responsible for your actions and for the operation and condition of your car. Getting car inspected Other examples bald tires, defective steering system, poor brakes, broken light or directional. Always check the car before you drive it!
Financial Responsibility Every state has financial responsibility laws Drivers are responsible for any damage to property or personal injury that they cause while driving. Usually laws require you to carry a minimum amount of insurance, although most owners carry more for added protection in case of a lawsuit.
SIPDE Process Is a process of seeing thinking, and responding Scan Identify Predict Decide Execute
Scan You want to Scan the surrounding area
You want to IDENTIFY any potential hazards
You want to PREDICT what others will do
You want to DECIDE which action to take
You want to EXECUTE your decision