SOP Notebook Lab Report (publication) “Standard Operating Procedure” (official “recipe” to be followed. Must be pasted/copied in the lab notebook). Detailed, personal, handwritten account of the experiment. What, how, when and who. Notebook rules apply. Formal write-up. Uses formal headings and past tense. Full sentences only.
Lab REPORT Headings Title, name, date Introduction Some background information Brief summary of the experiment Materials and Methods Cite SOP and note any changes List materials and their sources Can cite final concentrations used Results In table or graph format if possible (tables and graphs need to be named and numbered) Describe what was seen Discussion What do the results mean? Reasons for whatever went wrong/what would you do different, next? References Numbered in list; (number) in text OK ; use MLA, APA, or CBE style
Lab NOTEBOOK Do’s: Bound (NOT loose leaf), pre-numbered Note WHAT: Procedure (SOP) Results (any observations) HOW: Deviations from procedure WHEN: Date every page in longhand Date late entries WHO: Name all participants Initial every page and late entry
NOTEBOOK Do’s, cont’d Use black ink (blue OK in this class) Record your data in first person Title your study Do all calculations in your notebook, or attach scratch paper, data strips, etc. Be thorough enough to allow reconstruction Void blank spaces and “scratch paper areas” with lines Never obscure (keep xeroxed/electronic copy elsewhere)