Students will be able to: 5/6/16 Art 1 Drawing Journal/Write your name in perspective Review art vocabulary. (on your own) Mark your calendar: Art Show is Tuesday, May 10th at 6 pm Bring a case of water and make sure Mr. Stanfield marks your name off. We will finish the crane Monday. Color worksheet. Chose a color scheme, show texture, value and pattern as you color. Happy Birthday: Madison Kassaw NAHS:
Students will be able to: 5/6/16 Art 2 Drawing Journal/Write your name in perspective Review art vocabulary. (on your own) Finish drawing a second two-point perspective drawing. Begin to add color, value and texture. Test over vocabulary on Monday. Drawing due on Monday. Bring a case of water and make sure Mr. Stanfield marks your name off. Mark your calendar: Art Show is Tuesday, May 10th at 6 pm Happy Birthday: Madison Kassaw NAHS:
Students will be able to: 5/6/16 Art 3/4 Drawing Journal/Write your name in perspective. Review test scores on Monday. Copy all the vocabulary. (verbatim) Begin to draw a perspective drawing (building). Mark your calendar: Art Show is Tuesday, May 10th at 6 pm Bring a case of water and make sure Mr. Stanfield marks your name off. (painting 2) work on your trading cards/building drawing. Happy Birthday: Madison Kassaw NAHS: