AFPEO for Weapons Review and Outlook


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Presentation transcript:

AFPEO for Weapons Review and Outlook AFPEO Weapons Armament Directorate AFPEO for Weapons Review and Outlook Maj Gen Scott Jansson 26 Mar 2015 Vision Deliver Affordable World-Dominant Armament Capabilities…On Time, On Target

Leadership Team New Division EBR led by Mr. Mike Stallworth Col Kenneth L. Echternacht Deputy Director (AF)) Maj Gen Scott W. Jansson PEO (Weapons) & Director Mr. John S. Batog Deputy PEO (Navy) Col C. Athearn Long Range Systems Ms. B. Thorn Advanced Programs Col Patrick Burke Munitions Sust Mr. D. Kicklighter Specialized Mgmt Col K. Hickman Miniature Munitions Col J. Sobel Air Dominance Mr. J. Mistretta Strategic Systems Col D. Cochran Direct Attack Ms. M. Hafers Test & Training Mr. M. Stallworth Armament Sustainment New Division EBR led by Mr. Mike Stallworth Mr. Bruce Young Director of Engineering Mr. Troy Gunter Chief of Contracting Ms. Leah Hodge Chief Financial Officer Ms. Lynnette Keesler Chief of Logistics Mr. George Rogers Chief of Mgmt Operations Lt Col Brian Barker PEG Chief

Armament Portfolio at a Glance Weapons Portfolio Hill JB San Antonio Eglin Robins Rock Island NAS Pax River Crystal City Picatinny Arsenal Indian Head Directorate These reflect the DIRECTORATE ACAT programs and the PEO AML programs ACAT I JASSM Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile JASSM-ER JASSM-Extended Range- recent approval. Now officially on the AML SDB II Small Diameter Bomb II AMRAAM Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munition HTM Hard Target Munitions (Pre-MDAP) -- XZW (PEO program, not EB program) AIM-9X*- USN Program (EB program, not PEO program) B61 (EB program, not PEO program) ACAT II HTVSF Hard Target Void Sensing Fuze MALD-J Miniature Air Launch Decoy-Jammer: NOTE that MALD is not on the AML it was previously removed as it entered sustainment QF-16 FSAT QF-16 Full Scale Aerial Target SDB I Small Diameter Bomb I ACAT III AMRAAM EPIP AIM-120 Electronic Protection Improvement Program Basic AMRAAM EPIP AIM-120 Electronic Protection Improvement Program Advanced MALD-J GAINS II Miniature Air Launched Decoy-Jammer GPS-Aided INS II AFSAT Air Force Subscale Aerial Target CEAR Common Electronic Attack Receiver (HBZ) HCSM HARM Control Section Modification JPF Joint Programmable Fuze JTE Joint Threat Emitter (HBZ) LRTSMLCM Legacy Range Threat Systems Low Cost Modifications (HBZ) MDS/HTS Manned Destructive Suppression/HARM Targeting System P5CTS P5 Combat Training System UUP Unmanned Threat Emitter Upgrade Program (HBZ) ARTS-V2 Advanced Radar Threat System (HBZ) BRU-61/A DPM BRU-61 Dual Power Modification BLU-129/B Carbon Fiber Bomb Body, Very Low Collateral Damage (QRC) CRIIS Common Range Integrated Instrumentation System (N/A) ACAT III Proposed AML Additions WPS Weapons Planning Software TCS Target Control System A2K Advanced 2,000lbs Penetrator Demonstration A5K Advanced 5,000lbs Penetrator Demonstration SFSS Subminiature Flight Safety System JMM BRU Joint Miniature Munitions Bomb Rack Unit AMRAAM SIP AIM-120 System Improvement Program AMRAAM F3R AIM-120 Form Fit Function Replacement ILW Improved Lethality Warhead JUON MOP Massive Ordnance Penetrator QRC Pre-MDAP LRSO Long Range Stand Off (pre-MS A) $67B Armament Directorate Portfolio ACAT I – 8 JUON - 1 ACAT II – 4 QRC – 1 ACAT III – 28 Non-ACAT-1 ACAT I – 7 UON – 1 ACAT II – 4 Pre-MDAP – 1 ACAT III – 16 (+9) 1,612 Total Manpower

Weapons Development Prior 80s 90s 00s 10s Future GBU-28 AIM-9 SLAM-ER LJDAM Hard Target Munition AGM-114 Hellfire APKWS II AGM-65 AGM-130 AIM-9X AGM-84 SDB II CBU-107 PAW Small Weapons CBU-103 WCMD SDB I M-117 AGM-88 HARM MK-82 MOAB NGAA LCCM CBU-105 WCMD AIM-120 GBU-38 MK-83 As we look back over the last 30 years, Team Eglin and the Armament Directorate have led the nation in development of superior weapons. As you can see, we have been very busy in supporting our warfighters to be prepared for the conflicts of today and tomorrow Future Weapons: Next Generation Area Attack (NGAA) Weapon OSD policy mandates the elimination of 100,000+ cluster munitions (with greater than 1% unexploded ordnance) from the DoD inventory by end 2018.  Therefore, AFLCMC is examining replacement area attack capability with unitary warheads employing fragmentation enhancements--different case material, pre-formed fragments, precise height-of-burst fuzing, and selectable fuze initiation location.   Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) II Fixed-Wing Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System was an extremely successful JCTD (Navy partner).  Its goal was to provide a low cost, quick-turn, low-collateral damage weapon for fighters providing close air support.  Starting with an inventory 2.75 inch rocket, engineers designed changes in fin deployment and control and added a distributed laser seeker to provide a precise weapon that demonstrated utility against both fixed targets and targets moving at over 30 mph. Low Cost Cruise Missile (LCCM) Currently a DARPA-sponsored seedling study within the Air Dominance Initiative, LCCM is conceived to be a counter-integrated air defense system (IADS) weapon that can be employed in large numbers due to its low cost (~$200K per round target).  It could saturate/consume enemy IADS resources and deliver an explosive payload if/when it survives to the target. Laser Weapon (formerly Next Generation Tactical Laser Weapon (NGTLW)) In response to the 2030+ Air Dominance ICD, the Air Force is investigating both kinetic and non-kinetic weapon solutions to support platform survivability in a future highly contested environment.  Associated requirements for a laser weapon concept to support this task are still being coordinated throughout the Air Force. Non-Kinetic Counter Electronics (NKCE) NKCE employs a directed energy payload (potentially high power microwave) to disrupt operations dependent on electronic equipment.  NKCE would offer a zero collateral damage non-lethal option to attack high value electronic targets currently on the no-strike / restricted target list.  Additionally, because there is no kinetic kill mechanism, a single NKCE delivery vehicle could prosecute multiple targets during a single mission.  Due to staff reductions, ACC has suspended its desired MDD, but AFLCMC will continue to mature NKCE’s component technologies and lethality models. (Unusual Acronyms) WASAAMM - Wide Area Search Autonomous Attack Miniature Munition DRAAM – Dual Role Air to Air Missile TDLS - Total Dominance Layered System TMMLW - Tactical Multi-Mission Laser Weapon JDAM-ER JASSM MK-84 AGM-86C/D CALCM AGM-154 JSOW MOP NGTLW GBU-10,12 JASSM-ER GBU-31 GBU-27 GBU-15 Lead Developer XXX - USAF XXX - USA XXX - USN GBU-24 GBU-31 (V)3 LRSO NKCE Prior 80s 90s 00s 10s Future

AFPEO Weapons Focus Areas Resource, Develop, & Care for a Mission-Driven Workforce Disciplined Program Execution Should Cost Increase Competition Reduce Sole Source Costs (Prices) Increase Contract Flexibility Hold Contractors Accountable Improve Stakeholder Relationships Integrated Life Cycle Management Integrated Armament Enterprise 4

$567.4M Realized Budget Savings FY13-20 Should Cost AFSAT $13.9M JASSM-ER $123.9M JDAM $10.6M HCSM $24.3M SDB II $258.3M $567.4M Realized Budget Savings FY13-20 Best Practices Increased competition Data-driven negotiations Quantity Bundling Warranty vs. CLS BCA Reuse GFE VECPs Results Returned over $350M to USAF Mitigated $70M+ sequestration Reinvested in programs: 10 QF-16s 8 JASSMs + tooling 12 AMRAAMs 2,652 Paveways 5,060 Fuzes 550 HCSM kits 50 MALD-Js MDS HTS $4.9M * 3400 Sustainment JPF $16.4M Med Cal Ammo $.77M HTVSF $4.2M LWIP $2.5M LWIP $3.5M AMRAAM $45.9M MALD-J $14.5M QF-16 $46.2M

Increase Competition Agile Acquisition IDIQ MAC Contracting vehicle to support short-term efforts Multiple customers (AFLCMC/EB, AFLCMC/XZW, SOCOM Det 1) 5 years; $490M ceiling; R&D, Procurement, and O&M funding Multiple awards to ~14 large and ~6 small businesses 5K weapon demo A2K weapon program (Army DOTC) FMU-139D/B fuze (Navy-led) Rocket Assisted Take-Off (RATO) (3 qualified sources) Advanced Range Threat System, Increment II (ARTS II) Paveway II split buys Multiple CAD/PAD & flares efforts AMRAAM warhead EPAAS (A&AS) – 3 AFLCMC/EB DOs (Robins, Eglin, Hill) The 2014 AA IDIQ is a contracting vehicle only and not a Program of Record. This is a multiple award contract (MAC) that will facilitate numerous quick-turn acquisitions we face each year across LCMC at Eglin as well as be a viable vehicle for fallout funds. It will have multiple vendors from both large and small businesses with a variety of skill sets to meet our needs. This will not be a mandatory vehicle but a tool that can be used where appropriate and facilitates additional competition. Businesses will compete to be included in this MAC and then compete for each delivery order. This magnifies our use of competition for smaller efforts and guarantees inclusion of small businesses. Multiple awards to approximately 20 offerors Anticipate 6 small businesses Anticipate 14 large businesses IDIQ Contract Vehicle Schedule Draft RFP was issued 23 Oct 14 RFP release: estimated 30 Jan 15 Oral proposals completed: estimated 30 Feb 15 Contract Award: estimated 10 Jul 15 Create, maintain, re-introduce, and incentivize competition at all levels

Reduce Sole Source Costs (Prices) Program Unit Price Reduction (FY) Method ACAT I: AMRAAM Lot 27 (FY13) Lots 28-30 (FY14-16) Quantity Bundling (USAF, USN, FMS) Data-driven Negotiations JDAM Lots 13-17 (FY09-13) Lots 18-22 (FY14-18) JASSM Baseline Lots 11-12 (FY13/FY14) Lots 13-14 (FY15/16) Quantity Bundling (USAF, FMS) JASSM-ER Lots 3-4 (FY13/FY14) Quantity Increases SDB II Lots 1-5 Competition ACAT II: MALD-J Lots 7-8 (FY14-15) HTVSF Lots 1-3 (FY14-16) QF-16 Lots 1-5 (FY13-17) SDB I Lot 7 (FY10) 3 IDIQ Lots (FY16-18) ACAT III: JPF Lot 11 (FY14) Lot 12 (FY15/16) Quantity Bundling (multiple FYs) AFSAT Lots 11-13 (FY14-16) Non-ACAT: Maverick FY14 FMS Bundle Buy Year over Year Reduced Unit Prices!

Increase Contract Flexibility Program Multiple Lots Variable Quantities ACAT I: AMRAAM Lots 28-30 Pricing Curves JDAM Lots 18-22 (May 15) Pricing Bands JASSM/JASSM-ER Lots 11-12 Lots 13-14 (3 QTR FY15) SDB II Lots 1-5 ACAT II: HTVSF Lots 1-3 QF-16 MALD-J Lots 7-8 Pricing Curve SDB I 3 IDIQ Lots (FY16-18) TBD ACAT III: JPF Lots 10-12 JMM BRU Lots 1-2 AFSAT Lots 11-13 Non-ACAT: CRIIS RATO 5 Lots (Sep 15) CAD/PAD 3 Lots (Oct 15) Cartridge (BBU-35,-36, & -48) 5 Lots (Mar 16) 5 Lots (May 16) 5 Lots (July 16)

Acquisition Opportunities Improved Lethality Warhead Cast Ductile Iron (CDI) version of BLU-111 (Mk 82 Mod 7) Posted market research notice to FedBizOpps 11 Feb 2015 Contract award Jan 16 AIM-120/CATM/MSV-120 Wings & Fins Acquisition and Manufacture of Wings & Fins in support of Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missiles (AMRAAM) RFP 27 Apr 15 Contract award 20 Nov 15 Agile Acquisition IDIQ Multiple Award Contract RFP released 20 Feb 15; Proposal 30 Mar 15 Contract award July 15 Multiple awards to ~14 large and ~6 small businesses Shock Tube IDIQ Production Contract 5 Years ; $390K ceiling RFP May 15; Proposals due Jun 15 Contract Award Sept 15

Acquisition Opportunities MJU-53 Expendable Countermeasure 1 Year Bridge Production; ~$9M; Est Contract Award Oct 15 4 Year IDIQ Production Contract with an improved product; ~$75M; Contract Award Mar 17 BBU-35/-36/-48 Countermeasure Ejection Cartridges Coating change (from chemical conversion to nickel-tin) and improved packaging to increase asset reliability 5-year IDIQ contracts; FMS/USAF combined requirements; $48M/$32M/$47M Contract awards for BBU-35/-36/-48, respectively: Mar 16, May 16, Jul 16 BBU-63 Weapons Release Cartridges Propellant change from discontinued proprietary design to suitable substitute Short term $4.4M split award contract acquiring multiple substitute designs; Contract award Sep 16 CCU-136/-145/-168 Impulse Cartridges Navy IDIQ contracts in support of F-35 program; Next delivery orders for CCU-136/-145 cartridges – May 15 New IDIQ contract for CCU-168; Contract award September 15

Agile Acquisition: Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) Congressionally mandated – FY2011 NDAA, Section 1073 Rapid insertion of innovative technologies Full and open competition with preference for Small Business Criteria Projects <$3M and complete within 24 months >TRL 6 FY11 (Oct 2011 – Sep 2012) $105M per service 5 AF thrust areas 46 awards FY12 (Sep 2012 – Sep 2013) $50M per service 4 NDAA thrust areas 43 AF thrust areas 18 awards FY13 (Aug 2013 – Jul 2014) $53M per service 5 NDAA thrust areas 79 AF thrust areas 29 Awards in 2014 FY14 (Apr 2014 – Jul 2015) $40M per service 3 NDAA thrust areas 87 AF thrust areas 17 Awards in 2015 Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) Projects 2011 Home On Jam (HOJ) Demonstrate autonomous, terminal guidance to attack GPS and/or Link-16 jammers for threat elimination Transferred HOJ technology to AFRL to be used on FY 13 RIF effort: 2012 ImageNav Enhance Position/Navigation accuracies in Anti-Access/Area-Denied (A2AD)/GPS-contested environments and provide independent, terrain-aided navigation updates to the aircraft. 2013 Lethality Enhanced Ordnance Replacement Technology for cluster bombs 2014 RIF White papers have been reviewed, prospective companies have been notified of the results, and those which were selected have been asked to submit a proposal due in Nov/Dec. 2015 RIF BAA will be released Mar-Jun 2015 Thrust areas have not been defined for FY 15 BAA (Anticipate Feb 2015 request)

PEO Weapons: FY15 RIF Thrust Areas Denied Area Technologies Overcoming GPS-contested environments Extend effective range of weapons Enhance position, navigation, & timing (PNT) accuracies Improved Target Prosecution Technologies Increase cockpit selectable weapon characteristics Enable replacement of cluster bombs Increase fuze capabilities and cost reduction Improved Weapon Performance and Effectiveness Adjustable warhead effects to optimize lethality Enhance energetic/explosives Improved Weapon Affordability/Cost Reduction Implement solutions to reduce unit cost for weapon modifications and procurement Employ innovative, low-cost technologies for weapons platforms in major thrust areas Address hardware, software, integration, and compliance issues in early development

FY15 RIF Timeline BAA pre-release in FEDBIZOPS o/a 21 April, 2015 Communicate with topic authors – ask technical questions about specific requirements BAA formally opens o/a 19 May, 2015 60 days for white paper submissions to AF RIF portal Discussions limited to formal questions only White papers due o/a 18 July, 2015 Proposal invitations delivered Fall 2015 30 days for proposal responses to AF RIF portal Selections for award announced Spring 2016 All awards to be made by July 2016 All announcements/postings will be made on FEDBIZOPs and Defense Innovation Marketplace

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