Hymn 71 How Good It Is to Thank the Lord
Verse 1 How good it is to thank the Lord, and to Thy name our praises sing,
And to proclaim Thy steadfast love each day and declare Thy faithfulness by night.
Sing to the music of the lute, and with a solemn sound upon the lyre;
For Thy works have made me glad, O Lord, and of Thy deeds will I sing!
Verse 2 Great are Thy works, Eternal Lord; deep are Thy thoughts, O Thou Most High;
Foolish and senseless men will never know, nor will understand Thy ways.
Though the wicked sprout as grass, and evildoers flourish for awhile;
They shall all be uprooted and destroyed, while Thou art evermore supreme!
Last Verse Good men shall flourish like the palm; strong as a cedar shall they be;
For they are planted in God’s house, and they shall grow within His courts.
Even in age shall they bear fruit; rich and green they ever shall be;
For our God is faithful evermore, our Rock and righteous God!