Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl Leave AT cern INTRODUCTION 1. Annual leave 2. Official holidays, Annual shutdown 3. Leaves linked to a birth Sick leaves Saved leave 6. Special leaves 7. Home leave 8. Additional travel There are several types of leave at CERN I am going to talk about , in particular CLICK - annual leave - saved leave - maternity leave - official holidays and CERN annual shutdown - home leave and finally - additional travel to home station Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl INTRODUCTION Official documents: Staff Rules and Regulations: Chap II - Section 4 Administrative Circulars: 3 - Travel to the home station and home leave 14 - Protection of members of the personnel against the financial consequences of illness, accident and disability 21 - Special leave 22A - Award of additional periods of membership in the Pension Fund to shift workers — Early departure 22B - Duration and special compensation for shift work 25 - Shift work - special provisions for the Fire & Rescue Service Before taking leave: request via EDH (CERN administrative software) (Employed members of the personnel wishing to take leave shall first obtain the written authorisation of their hierarchical supervisor or equivalent. The granting of leave shall be subject to operational requirements.) Contact your DAO/secretariat before taking special leaves or to notify an absence Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl ANNUAL LEAVE Leave year: 01.10. - 30.09. 2.5 days/month => 30 days/year Maximum of 30 jours transfert to following year Possibility of taking leave in advance As far as annual leave is concerned, CLICK the leave year begins on 1st of October and ends on 30th Septermer. You are entitled to remunerated annual leave calculated at the rate of 2 1/2 working days per month which makes a total of 30 working days per year. Since your contract with CERN started on 1st of June, you'll be able to benefit from 10 days of annual leave till the end of September. A prior written authorisation is necessary. The leave request must be submitted via EDH, you can access it on the following Web address. Of course, each of you will receive a login name and a password. CERN offers you a possibility of anticipating which means that tomorrow, if your supervisor agrees, you could just take a couple of days off. Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
OFFICIAL HOLIDAYS, ANNUAL SHUTDOWN 10 official holidays (SRR ; R II 4.33) Annual shutdown In principle last week of December / first week of January Not deductible from annual leave I'll continue with official holidays and CERN annual shutdown. CLICK In addition to annual leave, you are granted 10 official holidays. You'll find the exhaustive list in the Staff Rules and Regulation, Article number R II 4.33. CERN is closed during Christmas holidays In principle the last week of December and the first week of January. This year we'll stop working on 21st December and come back to work on 7th January. The great thing about the annual shutdown is that the days of absence are NOT deducted from your annual leave. Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
3. LEAVES linked to a birth MATERNITY LEAVE Female MoP Medical certificate Total duration: 16 weeks 6 weeks before birth 10 weeks afterwards Extended by 3 weeks in the event of a premature birth in the event of multiple births as of the second child if the employed member of the personnel is a single parent Extended by 4 weeks if breastfeeding PATERNITY LEAVE 6 days (+ 3 additional working days in the event of multiple births) from pregnancy and on 1st year PARENTAL LEAVE unremunerated maximum of 3 months' on 3 years (minimum period of 10 days) Request via HR advisor ADOPTION LEAVE maximum of 15 weeks CLICK Female Members of personnel are entitled to remunerated maternity leave. A request for maternity leave must be supported by a medical certificate indicating the expected date of confinement. The total duration of maternity leave shall not be less than 16 weeks. It normally start 6 weeks before the expected date of confinement and ends 10 weeks after the expected date of confinement. It is, however, possible that the first day of maternity leave be postponed for no more than two weeks. Naturally a medical certificate will be required. The maternity leave may be extended by another 4 weeks if you are breast-feeding your child and can prove it by means of a medical certificate. I would like to mention as well, that CERN Members of personnel male and female are entitled to a maximum of 7 days of special remunerated leave per year in the event of a serious illness of a child aged less than 10 years. A medical certificate stating the need for the presence of the member of personnel is required. Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
4. SICK LEAVES (incapacity for work) With medical certificate (non-occupational) 12 months - full remuneration next18 months - 2/3 of the remuneration (control from the JARDB) next 6 months- no remuneration Nota : Possibility to subscribe to an insurance against lost of salary (Uniqa or Staff Association) (occupational accident or illness: full remuneration during the sick leave) Without certificate: 7 calendar days/year (NB: for periods of a maximum of 4 successive days) Illness of a close relative*: 7 calendar days/year/per MoP (increased by 5 calendar days in the event of serious illness of a dependent child for single parent). Compasionnate leave (unremunerated): maximum of 3 months to care for a close relative* (minimum period of 10 days) - Request via HR advisor * Close relatives: spouse, child, father or mother, brother, sister, parent-in-law or step-parent I'll continue with official holidays and CERN annual shutdown. CLICK In addition to annual leave, you are granted 10 official holidays. You'll find the exhaustive list in the Staff Rules and Regulation, Article number R II 4.33. CERN is closed during Christmas holidays In principle the last week of December and the first week of January. This year we'll stop working on 21st December and come back to work on 7th January. The great thing about the annual shutdown is that the days of absence are NOT deducted from your annual leave. Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl 5. SAVED LEAVE 01/01/08 The scheme entails acquiring additional leave days in exchange for a monthly financial contribution deducted from salary. Open to staff members only. Financial conditions (monthly deduction): Number Prices (% of Grants entitlement Approval of slices basic salary) to (days/year) needed 1 1.5% 5.5 no 2 4% 11 yes (calendar 3 6.5% 16.5 yes as from 2 4 9% 22 yes slices) Maximum to carry forward: 22 days from one leave year to the next SLS application in EDH (for minimum duration of 1 year) Procedure : Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
Administrative Circular No 21 6. SPECIAL LEAVES Administrative Circular No 21 Contact your DAO SPECIAL LEAVE ASSOCIATED WITH FAMILY SITUATIONS Special leave for family reasons SPECIAL LEAVE FOR CIVIC DUTIES OR MILITARY SERVICE BY A MEMBER OF THE PERSONNEL Leave for civic duties Leave for military service SPECIAL LEAVE ASSOCIATED WITH ADMINISTRATIVE SITUATIONS Special leave for first removal Long service leave Leave in the framework of a disciplinary measure Special leave during the notice period Special training leave Special leave to compensate the disadvantages entailed by shift work SPECIAL LEAVE FOR PROFESSIONAL REASONS AND PERSONAL CONVENIENCE Request via HR advisor Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl 7. HOME LEAVE A. Staff members International indemnity Contract duration: minimum 2 years Length of stay: minimum 5 calendar days + travelling time If these conditions are fulfilled, 1 home leave entitles you to: - Lump sum (+ distance indemnity, depending on your home station) - Travelling time : - depending on your home station - non deductible from annual leave CLICK Staff Members and Fellows can benefit from so-called HOME LEAVE. However, the following conditions must be fulfilled simultaneously: You must be non-resident. The duration of your contract with CERN must be at least of 2 years. And finally, the time spent in your home station shall be at least of 5 days plus travelling time. The latter depends on the distance between your home station and Geneva. You'll receive a fixed amount intended to cover travel expenses CLICK – new page – which is calculated as follows : the European territory has been divided into geographical segments of one degree of latitude and one degree of longitude and your home station is attributed to one of these geographical segments. For example, home station Brussel would correspond to this segment. The calculation of the amount is based on the 1st class train ticket and Is indexed annually in line with the European Consumer Price Index for transport. CLICK on image - back Moreover, you will receive a distance indemnity, the amount of which depends, naturally, on the distance and travelling time. The first period of home leave commence on the first day of the second year of service and subsequently, you are granted one home leave per period of 2 years of service. Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
B. Fellows (contract AFTER 01/07/06) Contract duration: minimum 2 years For contracts of less than 2 years, if renewed, contact your secretary to open your home leave account. Length of stay: minimum 5 calendar days + travelling time If these conditions are fulfilled, 1 home leave entitles you to: - Travelling time : - depending on your home station - non deductible from annual leave Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl 8. ADDITIONAL TRAVEL Staff members only International indemnity Home station> 500 km (as the crow flies) Not for indefinite term contracts If these conditions are fulfilled, 1 additional travel entitles you to: - Lump sum Moreover, CLICK Staff Members only can benefit from an additional travel to home station. The following conditions must be fulfilled simultaneously: You must be non-resident Your home station must be situated 500 km or more from your duty station (which is CERN) and you must not have an indefinite contract with CERN. Contrary to home leave there is no time constraint. You'll receive a fixed amount calculated on the same basis I mention before Provided that the conditions I've mentioned are fulfilled, you can benefit from an addition travel to home station once every CALENDAR year. Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
Every 2 years (on contract start date anniversary) Home Leave Every 2 years (on contract start date anniversary) 1st day of contract 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 3rd HL 1st HL 2nd HL 1st janv. X 1st janv. X+1 1st janv. X+3 1st janv. X+4 1st janv. X+2 1st travel 2nd travel 3rd travel 4th travel 5th travel To give you an example : A Staff Member who's contract started on 1st of June 2001 can benefit from one additional travel till the end of December 2001. During the year 2002 he/she can take one additional leave and decide whether he/she wants to benefit from home this year or next year. In the year 3003 he/she can benefit from additional leave and from one or even two home leaves if no home leave has been taken the year before and so on. To summarise, within a period of 2 years you can benefit from one home leave and two additional leaves. Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you very much indeed for your attention and look forward to answering questions you may have during the Question-Answer session. Thank you. Additional travel Every calendar year (1st January) Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
PROCEDURE for Home Leave and Additional Travel Leave request via EDH (travelling time deducted) Travel Confirm when back (BUT if modifications, make it in EDH before confirmation) Amount transferred to bank account (staff members) (1 or several special home leaves could be granted, even during the first year of contract or even if you have already taken your home leave, but only for family reasons (AC3.IV)) CLICK As far as the procedure is concerned, you will have to submit a request via EDH before departure on the following Web address. Once you are back, you will have to confirm the dates or, if applicable correct them. Within 10 days the corresponding amount of money will be credited to your account. Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl
CONTACT Lynda LEROUX, HR-SPS-SER E-mail: Direct phone: 7.39.03 Websites: Human Ressources/Services, Procedures & Social/lyl