Central Texas Summer Melt Program Overview & Outcomes THECB Board Briefing 1/21/16
Chamber 2018 Strategic Plan VISION: Austin has country’s most prosperous business community MISSION: Provide leadership to facilitate creation of prosperous regional economy/effective advocacy for our partners CORE PURPOSE: Chamber takes on biggest challenges so you can focus on growing your business CORE VALUES: Results Oriented, Open, Transparent, Driven, Empowered, Opportunity‐filled, Flexible, Collaborative www.austinchamber.com
47k Available Jobs Austin MSA 63-70% Associate’s Degree or require Associate’s Degree or Bachelor’s Degree Source: The Conference Board Help Wanted Online ® (HWOL) and Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015
35% Increase in Direct College Enrollees from CenTex 10,431 7,748 www.austinchamber.com
CenTex, State Direct College Enrollment Rate Flat, Lags Nation www.austinchamber.com
Strategy developed to combat summer enrollment barriers College Aspiration vs Direct-to-College Enrollment 29% www.austinchamber.com
Summer Melt Strategy: 2013 Randomized Control Trial First-generation students receiving counselor outreach (7 percentage points)--This effect was particularly strong for males (10 percentage points). African American students receiving digital messages saw higher enrollment rates in 2-year colleges and Hispanic students in 4-year colleges. Low-income students receiving digital messages (3.5 percentage points). www.austinchamber.com
Summer Melt Strategy: 2014 Prioritized Student Groups by Order of Effect www.austinchamber.com
School District Perspective Hays committed to improving DTC rate from 53% for Class of 2014 to 62% for Class of 2016 Lehman DTC improved by 2 percentage points (46% to 48% in 2013-2014) over all ISD DTC increased from 52% to 53% between 2013-2014. 2015 outcomes are still pending, but we are optimistic about outcomes and planning for a 2016 summer melt intervention. www.austinchamber.com
Thank You. Questions www.austinchamber.com Source: UT-Austin Ray Marshall Center 2015 www.austinchamber.com