The boomerang approach to science: Research across the world and back Eva R. Chin Pfizer Global Research & Development 1
The science career journey
The science career journey B.H.K. 1985 University of Windsor M.Sc. 1987 McMaster University B.Ed. 1988 Queens’ University Ph.D. 1993 University of Waterloo Post-doc #1 1993-96 University of Sydney Post-doc #2 1996-99 UT Southwestern Medical Center Faculty Position 1999 University of Queensland Industry Appointment 2000-2004 Pfizer – Groton, CT 2004-2005 Pfizer – La Jolla, CA
The journey begins …. Ph.D. 1989-1993 Dr. Howie Green
Excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + - - - - Plasma membrane DHPR RYR SR Ca2+ Ca2+ ATP ADP + Pi Ca2+ Force production
The journey continues … Post-doc #1 1993-1996 Professor David Allen
Rat single fibre from Flexor Digitorum Brevus (FDB) muscle
Single skeletal muscle fibre technique for measuring contractility & Ca2+ transients
Prolonged Ca2+ transients from “chronic” 10 Hz stimulation
The journey resumes … Post-doc #2 1996-1999 Dr. R. Sanders Williams
Excitation-transcription coupling in skeletal muscle Ca2+ - - - - - - DHPR + + + + + + + + + - - - - P Plasma membrane DHPR [Ca2+]i RYR SR Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca-CAM ATP ADP + Pi Ca2+ Force production Ca2+ -dependent transcriptional pathways
Hypothesis: Low amplitude long, duration Ca2+ transients activate slow muscle gene expression NFAT MEF2 Ca2+ Ca2+ CAM Expression of slow fibre program CnA-active NFAT P
Generation of transgenic mice to test hypothesis
The journey resumes … Faculty position July – Dec 1999 University of Queensland
The journey detours … Principal Scientist 2000-2004 Groton, CT
International collaborations continue: PIIP funding Pfizer-Australia Funding Professor David Allen 2000 - 2002 Dr. Richard Harvey 2003 - 2006
National collaborations are also valued Pfizer Global R&D Funding Dr. George Ordway (UT Southwestern) 2001 - 2003 Dr. Karyn Esser (UIC/ U of Kentucky) 2001 - 2004 Dr. Roger Fielding (Boston University) 2002 - 2004
International collaborations continue: Dr. Jean-Marc Renaud 2002-2005
International collaborations continue: Dr. Robin Michel 1999-2005 2 X Daily Vehicle CSA FK506
Use of transgenic animals to test the role of Ca2+, CAM and CnA in muscle plasticity NFAT MEF2 Ca2+ Ca2+ CAM Expression of slow fibre program CnA-active NFAT P
Ca2+ - dependent transcriptional coupling in skeletal muscle Gene Expression Force production DHPR RYR Plasma membrane [Ca2+]i P Ca2+ SR SERCA Ca2+ P Ca-CAM CamKII Ca2+ NFAT2/4 ~ P GSK3 JNK, ERK MEKK1 CamKII CamKIV Calcineurin NFAT2/4 P CREB ~ P HDAC CREB~P MEF2 Nucleus MEF2 NFAT4 muscle gene expression
The journey is never over …. Principal Scientist 2004-2005 La Jolla, CA
The science career journey Eva R. Chin 1989-2005