Welcome to National Honor Society Application Meeting
What is National Honor Society? The National Honor Society (NHS) is a recognition program for high school students in grades 11 through 12 in the United States and in several other countries. It is an honor bestowed on students by the school’s faculty NHS honors those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. To be eligible to apply for NHS you must have a cumulative GPA of a 3.5 at the end of your sophomore/junior year.
Who Determines Who Gets In? Each school has a faculty council which is comprised of 5 teachers They are anonymous Faculty council reviews all applications and evaluations and determines who will be selected See page 20 of the student handbook The advisor and all administrators are not a part of the faculty council and do not have a vote in the selection process
Overview of the Application Be sure to put your name on it! Make sure your hand writing is legible Be Very Descriptive SELL YOURSELF The more you put down the more = more information you are giving Faculty Council about yourself (Rule of Threes) Twinsburg Ties—How did you contribute to your school or community? Complete each section and make sure you have the appropriate signatures Things can be placed in more than one place After the selection process ALL applications are shredded. Paperwork WILL NOT be given back.
Activities Only include activities from 9th grade to current year THS Activities and Community Activities Make sure you fill out the major accomplishment What did you take away from this activity?
Leadership This is more than an officer position in a club Where have you been a leader? For example: Church: In charge of a fundraiser Homecoming Committee: In charge of ticket sales If you feel that something needs more explanation you can attach a brief explanation with your application
Community Service Requesting Hours from Ms. Johnson If you would like to request your hours please fill out the form and turn it in to folder outside of the Attendance Office. If you have any NEW hours to turn in please make sure they are turned in with the form. After you have turned in your form, do NOT go back, she will call you down when they are ready Her signature is the verification Last day to get the print out is October 17th Do not have to get the paperwork from Ms. Johnson Put those hours on your application, just make sure you have an adult sign your paperwork Or attach the community service verification form NO PAPERWORK WILL BE RETURNED – MUST GIVE A COPY Fill out Major Accomplishment for ALL hours Faculty Council uses these explanations to help determine creditability of hours and to gain more knowledge about you Can attach a BRIEF explanation
Work Experience, Recognition, and Awards List any jobs you have or have had List any Awards, Honors, etc. MVP of a sports team Most dedicated in a club This section is a place for you to give Faculty Council more information about you
Confirmation Form Last page of the application packet Must be signed by Applicant AND Parent/Guardian Applications without Parent/Guardian signature will not be reviewed
Faculty Evaluations Every member of the THS Faculty is given the opportunity to evaluate all students who apply to be in NHS It is their choice to respond and is done so anonymously YOU DO NOT GET YOUR OWN PERSONAL RECOMMENDATIONS
Sample Application
Important Dates October 17th- Last day to get Community Service Form from Mrs. Johnson (see agenda) October 24th – Application due to Mr. Merriman in C225 by 2:30. End of the second week of November - All applicants will receive a letter in the mail November 13th- NHS Meeting/Practice Induction – 2:15 p.m. November 20th - Induction Ceremony 6:30 p.m.
Questions??? All this information and a sample application will be available on our Website: THS Home Page- Clubs & Extra Curricular Link E-mail Mr. Merriman at rmerriman@twinsburgcsd.org