Understanding Officer Roles and Responsibilities
Desired Outcomes – By the end of this session, participants will have Clarified the roles and responsibilities of chapter officers Reviewed the commitment and skills that are needed to fulfill the responsibilities of chapter officers Reviewed the chapter Nominations and Elections process
Consider this… If you had time…what chapter leadership position would you serve in? Why?
Basileus Chapter’s president Oversees all aspects of chapter operations and committees (except Nominations and Elections) Presides over chapter meetings Coordinates the monthly and annual agenda of the chapter Official representative of the chapter to all partners and collaborators With the advice and consent of the Executive Board, appoints committee chairs Serves as Chair of the Executive Board Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little
First Anti-Basileus Chapter’s vice president In a chapter that sponsors undergraduate chapters, each subsequent Anti-Basileus is numbered accordingly Develops and implements strategies for recruitment, retention and reclamation Serves as Basileus in the absence or incapacity of the Basileus Serves as the Membership Chair
Anti-Grammateus Chapter’s secretary Prepares and maintains the record of the chapter’s meetings Maintains a directory of the financial membership Manages internal and external chapter correspondences via traditional and electronic sources Disseminates chapter information to the financial membership via traditional and electronic communication sources Skills include executive ability, collaborative in nature, typing abilities, experience with technologies.
Grammateus Chapter’s financial secretary Manages of the chapter’s finances along with the Tamiochus Maintains the chapter’s financial membership records Develops systems for the payment and receipt of chapter dues with the Tamiochus Develops systems for the collection of chapter monies Serves on Finance Committee
Tamiochus Chapter’s treasurer Manages of the chapter’s finances along with the Grammateus Develops and maintains the chapter’s budget Develops systems for the payment and receipt of chapter dues with the Grammateus Develops chapter fundraising initiatives Serves on Finance Committee
Epistoleus Chapter’s historian and archivist Maintains the chapter’s written and historical history and archives the chapter’s documents and memorabilia Develops, maintains and supports the chapter’s media presence and public image Writes and submits articles for The Aurora Serves as Chair of the Public Relations Committee Skills in photography, marketing, computer graphics and/or public relations encouraged.
Appointed Office Eta Omicron Sigma Chapter
Appointed Offices Parliamentarian Rhoer Coordinator Appointed by the Basileus with the advice and consent of the Executive Board Parliamentarian Rhoer Coordinator Programs Coordinator Philo Coordinator