Strengthening the foundations of ERA “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Strengthening the foundations of ERA Coordination of research activities at national level at international level 270 M€ Coherent development of Research and Innovation policies 50 M€ Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
“ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Supporting the cooperation and coordination of research activities carried out at national or regional level “ERA-NET” Scheme Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
Research activities Definition “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Research activities Definition Programmes, part of programmes or other similar initiatives Strategically planned at national or regional level in the Member States or Associated States Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
“ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Objective To step up the cooperation and coordination of research activities carried out at national or regional level in the Member States and Associated States through: The networking of research activities conducted at national or regional level, The mutual opening of national and regional research programmes. Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
“ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Fields of research Research Activities may be carried out in all fields of science and technology. In other words: A bottom-up approach*, without giving preference to one research topic over another. * Examples given in the EP and Council’s Decision concerning FP6: health, biotechnology, environment, energy Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
“ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Participants bodies which finance or manage national or regional research activities At least 3 MS or AS are involved of which at least two are MS or candidate AS. a sole participant (EEIG or any similar structures) The main actors are programme managers and programme makers. Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
Activities to be covered “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Activities to be covered by an ERA-NET Networking of research activities at national and regional level, including the mutual opening of national or regional research programmes. Unified management framework of an ERA-NET Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
Networking of research activities “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Networking of research activities Step by step but …. Ambitious ! At least the two first steps Systematic exchange of information Strategic activities Implementation of joint strategic activities Implementation of a transnational joint programme Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
Networking of research activities “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Networking of research activities . Systematic exchange of information fora of research programme makers and managers; short-term exchanges of programme managers; benchmarking and dissemination of good practices; development of electronic communication tools. Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
Networking of research activities “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Networking of research activities . Strategic activities Identification and analysis of: mutual complementaries of the ERA-NET partners; research fields that could lead to the design of future multinational programmes; design of common evaluation system networking activities and mutual opening mechanisms; administrative and legal barriers; new opportunities and gaps in research and stimulation of new interdisciplinary work. Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
Networking of research activities “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Networking of research activities . Implementation of joint strategic activities a posteriori clustering of nationally funded research projects; systematic use of multinational proposals evaluation procedures; joint training activities; mutual opening of facilities or laboratories. Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
Networking of research activities “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Networking of research activities 4. Transnational joint programmes (with or without transnational flows of funding) a common strategy common calls common evaluations common dissemination plan Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
Management of an ERA-NET Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Management of an ERA-NET management of the scientific and administrative activities including reporting with the Commission; development of strategic activities; launching, implementing and following up joint research activities; ensuring scientific excellence throughout the ERA-NET; ensuring the gender equality. Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
Instruments Coordination Actions to implement an ERA-NET: Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Instruments Coordination Actions to implement an ERA-NET: on average : 3 M€ max ; 5 years max. Specific support actions to prepare ERA-NET proposals an average : 200.000€ ; 1 year max Costs are limited to additional activities up to 100% excluding the costs directly linked to research. Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
Indicative Budget and timetable “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Indicative Budget and timetable 148 M€ ( 2002- 2006); Open call for proposals : 1st cut-off date : 2 June 2003, budget 24M€; from March 2004, cut-off dates every 6 months up to October 2005. Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
“ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Evaluation Principle : a single stage procedure based on “peer review” Criteria : Relevance to the objectives of the programme; Quality of the coordination; Potential impact (durable cooperation); Quality of the consortium; Quality of the management; Mobilisation of resources. Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02
“ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 Anne Mandenoff 30-10-02