Hooray for Hollywood
Hooray for Hollywood Moviemaking an art a science a business
Hooray for Hollywood Some filmmakers begin knowing exactly what they want to say and then craft a vehicle that contains that statement. Some are interested in pure escape. Here’s the catch. The effectiveness and the success of all our films is determined by exactly the same standards – unfortunately not by the particular validity of their message, but by their ability to engage the concentration and emotions of the audience . - Sydney Pollack
Hooray for Hollywood Moviemaking An Art It all begins with a story Director’s vision Scenic Designer’s palette Costumer Designer’s eye and research Cinematographers talent Editor’s Discretion
Hooray for Hollywood Moviemaking An Art The Story Basic elements of storytelling - Narrative Structure - Plot Devices - Fantasy vs. Reality - Point of view
Hooray for Hollywood Cinematic Elements of the Story - How an actor speaks- slowly, quickly, quietly, loudly - The actor’s facial expressions - The actor’s movements or stillness - Activity or lack of activity in background -Lighting the scene –bright, dark Colors in the scene Incidental music
Hooray for Hollywood Common Movie Genres - The Frontier – Westerns and Space - Buddy Films – Let's Hear It for the Boys - The Government and other Institutions - Conflict and Vengeance - Chick Flicks – Romantic Comedies
Hooray for Hollywood Moviemaking A Science Academy of Movie Picture Arts and Sciences - animation - computerized animation - computer-generated imagery (CGI)
Hooray for Hollywood Moviemaking A Business The Studio System Paramount The Blockbuster Risk Reduction Studios and Synergies Economics of Theaters Little Movies
Hooray for Hollywood The American Film Institute Top ten movies of all times Citizen Kane (1941) Casablanca (1942) The Godfather (1972) Gone With the Wind (1939) Lawrence of Arabia (1962) The Wizard of Oz (1939) The Graduate (1967) On the Waterfront (1954) Schindler’s List (1993) Singin’ In the Rain (1952)