Welcome to Barker Road Middle School, Purple Team! Mrs. Roser English – 3rd & 4th periods
Who is Mrs. Roser? This is my 18th year teaching. I taught 2nd and 3rd grades for 15 years. I graduated from St. John Fisher College with a BS in Biology and minors in Chemistry and Education. After spending 10 years as a mortgage underwriter, I went to Nazareth College for my Masters in Reading and Elementary Education.
I have two sons. Brian is a senior at and Jason is a freshman at SUNY Oneonta (both graduated from Sutherland). My dog Manny is 10 years old and we spend a lot of time at our family camp in the Adirondacks.
Artists In Fiction and Non-Fiction Folklore Controlled Societies Themes/Units Family Artists In Fiction and Non-Fiction Folklore Controlled Societies
Reading: 30% Literature Analyze characters and plot Determine theme and word meanings Cite evidence to support analysis Look at Author’s Craft Compare genres Increase text complexity
Reading Informational Text Analyze words and phrases Determine central ideas Cite evidence to support analysis Look at Author’s purpose/point of view Compare/contrast information Evaluate information Increase text complexity
Writing 30% Write to: Inform (research) Persuade Entertain (narrative) Write clearly and coherently Write routinely
Language 15% Mechanics of writing: spelling, grammar, punctuation Determine and clarify word meanings Understand and use figurative language
Speaking and Listening 15% Discuss effectively, Present effectively use appropriate eye contact, volume, pronunciation
quizzes unit tests Summatives 10% If you do not have a portal account, go to the registrar to sign up
Non-fiction Reading - NewsELA 1st and 2nd marking periods Independent Reading Non-fiction Reading - NewsELA 1st and 2nd marking periods Students are also required to read 1 book independently this year during the 4th marking period. (We will have class time to do this).
Homework policy All homework is due at beginning of class on assigned date. Homework is posted on the board, then copied into agendas. I will add to my homework calendar, but the agenda is the primary source. If homework is late or incomplete, points may be deducted, if graded. If late, student will be expected to work during free period, or study hall to complete, or finish at home. It is due the next day. Parents will be contacted if homework is consistently incomplete.
Homework Calendar Mrs. Roser’s website
New York State Tests ELA tests will be given April 11th and April 12th Please do not schedule doctor/dental appointments for those 2 days if possible. Make-ups will be given if your child is ill.
Thank you for coming!