POLITICAL PARTIES IN CANADA Section 2.5 What is the function of political parties in Canada?
Let’s read page 63 Parties in Canadian Democracy Check for understanding 1. What are political parties? 2. How do political parties help candidates? 3. What is the term given to a political party’ statement of ideas, policies and beliefs? 4. What are 4 important functions of political parties
Let’s read page 64 – The Evolving Party System Check for understanding Refer to your handout: The Evolving Party System What are some names of political parties in Canada? How are regional and special interest parties important in the evolution of the party system in Canada?
Let’s read page 65 Majority and Minority Government Check for understanding What is a majority government? What is a minority government? What is meant by the term “popular vote”
Let’s read page 67 Political Ideology in Canadian Politics Check for understanding 1. What is meant by the term “political ideology”?
Let’s meet the GREEN PARTY
CIVICS SHOWCASE – page 66 Minority and Coalition Governments What are the pros and cons of minority and coalition governments? Are there downsides to a party that supports a minority government or enters into a coalition with a larger party?