Professional Growth Plans KNOW… Want to LEARN TODAY… Professional Growth Plans
Goals of PGP Process The process should define clear, consistent expectations for all educators and should support continuous learning. The process should foster collaboration among the educator, principal/ evaluator, and peers. Educator’s professional growth and performance should have a positive impact on student learning and achievement. It is important to remember the the Professional Growth Plan is a process to encourage professional growth. Review the goals of the PGP process shown here and reflect on these goals as you develop and refine your growth plan.
AR TESS PGPs The Educator’s professional growth plan is located on the ADE website under “TESS Evaluation Forms.” The PGP is in an interactive form and may be downloaded for electronic use. This slide depicts the first page of the Educator’s PGP.
PGP Guiding Questions “Problem of Practice” What does the data show as the gaps between where we are and what we want to achieve? The first area to complete for the PGP is the “Problem of Practice.” To identify the “problem of practice”, educators must first conduct a data analysis for their classroom, program, or school, using multiple sources of information. From the data analysis, educators should determine achievement gaps and define a school, group or classroom achievement issue to address. The data analysis process may be done individually or in a facilitated work session. (In the pilot year, focusing on a group/school problem of practice may be a good idea) DATA ANALYSIS SHEET SPEND TIME WITH THE DATA…
2 1 PGP Guiding Questions 2 Vision… What do I plan to achieve? PGP Guiding Questions The next step in the PGP development is for educators to articulate the overall goal for their work based on the targeted problem. In writing the goal, Educators should answer these questions… “What will I achieve if I’m successful in addressing the identified problem of practice?” What will success look like when I reach my goal? What do I want to achieve as a result of this goal, and what difference will it make in student learning and achievement results? This goal should be placed in the area highlighted with box 1… Once the goal is clearly stated, the goal should then be tied to a related ACSIP goal and stated in box #2. The alignment of the PGP goal (which is based on the identified problem of practice) to the ACSIP goal will ensure that educators are focused on goal that will lead to improved student achievement… The goal(s) will also be tied to the domains and components in the evaluation rubric. The educator should focus on proficient/distinguished work as indicated in the rubric to help with the identification of strategies the next step of the plan… 2 2 1
PGP Guiding Questions “The Plan” Strategies—How will I achieve my goal(s)? The next part of the PGP is for the educator to outline how he or she will achieve the goal or goals set. In this part of the plan, the educator will focus on research-based strategies to target goal attainment. In this part of the plan, educators should focus on strategies that align with their job role. While several educators my be targeting the same problem of practice, their actions may differ depending on their work within the school.
Strategies, Practice, and Proof - Evidence What data or information will help me to reflect on the achievement of my goal? -Indicators How will I know I have achieved my goal(s)? “The Plan” Strategies—How will I achieve my goal(s)? In addition to the research based strategies that will be listed in the first column under “implementation strategies, educators will outline personal actions and describe the expected changes in practice as a result of the planned actions. Educators must also articulate expected changes in student behavior based on identified adult actions. Equally important is for educators to focus on the evidence that they will collect to determine progress or success. Remember to employ strategies that research shows effective so that actions will have an impact on student achievement and be sure to identify evidende that will be used to determine effectiveness… The role of the educator within the school differs, so while many people may choose to work on the same goal(s), based on the same or a similar problem of practice, the specific role of the educator will allow for the strategies in the plan to vary.
Resources and Timeline “The Support Resources” What do I have and what do I need to achieve my goal(s)? “The Support Timeline” What are my activities and when will they occur as I achieve my goal(s)? This slide depicts the resources and timeline section of the plan. The resource inclusion will help educators identify people, training opportunities or materials necessary for successfully meeting the goal. The timeline needs to be completed and revised throughout the year as educators meet with evaluators and update progress and actions…
Reflective Narrative “The Review” Evaluation—How am I doing? What have I learned? What revisions and adjustments do I need to make? The final page of the PGP is the reflective narrative. This page will enable the educator to reflect on the success of their work and make decisions regarding adjustments to their future plans and practices. The reflective narrative will also help the educator prepare for an end of year conference with the evaluator.
Remember that there are sample PGPs on the Arkansas Department of Education website to help you develop your PGP. Also remember that the Professional Growth Plan is not designed to be an end product, but rather a part of the evaluation PROCESS. The plan should be reviewed, revised and evaluated often.
Please check the ADE TESS Website often for updates! Questions? Please contact: Ivy Pfeffer Becky Gibson Please check the ADE TESS Website often for updates! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ivy or Becky at the Department of Education Office of Educator Effectiveness. Please continue to check the Arkansas Department of Education’s TESS website often for updates.