London Health Libraries Induction and Update Morning 5th March 2008 Role of eKAT Cheryl Twomey Head of electronic Knowledge Access Team London Deanery London Health Libraries
So what is eKAT? electronic Knowledge Access Team team of 4.5 (may become 5.5) Part of London Health Libraries Work within the strategic direction and annual business plans set by the London Health Libraries Council and endorsed by NHS London London Health Libraries
What does the team do? 3 main responsibilities Help library services make the most of existing and new technologies Ensure library staff are up to date and confident in using these technologies for the benefit of your users and potential users Maximise resource sharing between libraries and promote wider access to electronic resources London Health Libraries
eKAT service specification Due for revision Consultation with Library Council and London Health Libraries
Who belongs to the team? London Health Libraries Head of eKAT– Cheryl Twomey Resource Network Manager – Ania Nogal Electronic Services Coordinator – Melinda Singh Local Services Liaison Manager – Secondment advertised 4 March Local Services Liaison Administrator - Secondment advertised 4 March E-Learning Resource Co-ordinator - proposed London Health Libraries
How does eKAT help library services? 1. National Collection and the London “top-up” Negotiate with NHS London for funding Working with London Health Libraries to agree what to buy for the “top-up” Working with the NLH Content & Collections Development Group to improve and develop the National Collection service London Health Libraries
How does eKAT help library services? 2. Co-ordination & Support Athens administration Help desk elinks User and usage statistics Marketing & Promotion Co-ordination and problem solving London Health Libraries
How does eKAT help library services? 3. Web services Develop and maintain the HILO and Londonlinks websites and owner of the Londonlinks discussion lists for library staff Health Information for London Online for library users for library staff London Health Libraries
How does eKAT help library services? 4. Resource sharing Union catalogues for health libraries in London Regional Documents Database (RDD) – books, videos, learning packages, grey literature Union List of Serials (ULS) London Health Libraries
How does eKAT work? eKAT Service Specification Annual business planning Strategic Library Lead for London Library Council Information & Learning Resources Working Group Representation on NLH Working Groups London Health Libraries
eKAT in Helping Hands Helping Hands November 2007 Pages 6-7 http://www.londonlinks/staff_development/helping_handsrevnov07.pdf Pages 6-7