Hong Kong WebQuest
Introduction You are the newest travel agent at the Comet Travel Agency. The Comet Travel Agency is trying to expand it's over seas business. You were hired because you have good computer skills as well as being a good travel agent. You will use your skills on the computer and as an agent to help the company expand their business.
Task As an employee of Comet Travel Agency, you’ve been given the task of getting more people to travel to Hong Kong. Your job is to design a travel brochure that provides people interested in traveling to Hong Kong with more information.
Process Task 1: Locate information on Hong Kong. Find information about it's geography, form of government, population, and traditions. Then pick two other topics to include information about in your brochure. You may pick from: tourist attractions, natural features, sources of income, history, transportation, food, pastimes/hobbies, or sports.
Process Task 2: You must create a travel brochure. The brochure needs to be colorful and contain interesting facts and information that will persuade people to visit Hong Kong. Include in your brochure the information you find about its geography, form of government, population, and traditions and the other two topics you chose.
Resources Videos Government Economy Religion Education Culture and the Law Transportation Entertainment
Resources Websites Discover Hong Kong Hong Kong Brief Hong Kong Today Welcome to Hong Kong
Evaluation See the rubric that will be used to grade this project.
Conclusion Now that you have completed the brochure, it is up to the hiring committee to pick one candidate. If you have done your job properly and effectively, travel to Hong Kong will increase tremendously.