USING A LIBRARY For some students, one of the biggest differences between high school and tertiary level schooling is the amount and depth of research that is required for research papers, assignments, reports, projects etc.
RESEARCH For research one of the best sources of information is the library. For this reason, students at the tertiary level should become familiar with the library and all its terms, rules and methods.
CARD CATALOGUE The card catalogue used to be the only resource for finding much of the material available in the library. Now, much of the catalogue information has become available on computers.
CARD CATALOGUE For this reason, it’s a good idea to use the card catalogue. It offers an alphabetical listing of titles, authors, and subjects. The catalogue entry gives the call number of the source.
CALL NUMBER The call number is used to locate the specific physical location of your book, journal etc. Each book in the library has a specific number, called a call number.
CALL NUMBER Each book in the library has a specific number, called a call number.
DEWEY DECIMAL SYSTEM Public libraries often use the Dewey Decimal System, under this system, fiction books are arranged in alphabetical order according to the authors’ surname.
COMPUTER SERVICE & INTER-LOAN Libraries are usually affiliated or connected to other libraries. For this reason, the computer databases will often list books that are not located in your local library.
INTERLOAN For instance, you may discover that a book you want is only available at a different library in the same system (county). You should ask your librarian about interlibrary loans / interloan.
OPAC If you want search for a book in your own library, use your computer catalogue to find the book you want; (FIT:OPAC system).
INTERNET Many libraries now offer access to the Internet as part of their services. There are many excellent guides to the use of the Internet available and your library may offer tutorials on how to use the Internet.
PAYMENT You may have to pay a user-charge. Most institutions have a strict written policy concerning the purpose for which the Internet should be used.
RULES Make sure that you are familiar with these rules and adhere to it.
COPYRIGHT Make sure that you are familiar with these rules and adhere to it. You must be careful not to breach copyright laws.
PHOTOCOPY The material you copy must be for your own personal study or use only You must not photocopy a photocopy.
COPYRIGHT RULES Newspaper articles are generally out of copyright after 24 hours but be aware of copyrighted, syndicated feature articles. Source: Adapted from “Using a Library and Archives,” by Grace Flemming, 27th February 2006
SOURCE Source: Adapted from “Using a Library and Archives,” by Grace Flemming, 27th February 2006