Designed to Serve Defining the Problem
Last Tuesday… We presented a history of the holiday celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., including a challenge to service: “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” We brainstormed groups of people for whom you might design a service project. We identified strategies to for empathy.
Last Friday… We had a special assembly about 7 mindsets to live your “ultimate life.”
Design with the end in mind… The final product in this unit will be a service project designed by YOU, in collaboration with others. D-Mindset: Radical Collaboration. Bring together innovators with varied backgrounds and viewpoints. Enable breakthrough insights and solutions to emerge from the diversity.
Design with the end in mind… We expect to see at least five of these projects implemented in the community and documented in your portfolios. Who knows, maybe one of you will win the scholarship to the Ultimate Life Summit at Walt Disney World, based on your work on this project! d-Mindset: Bias Toward Action. Design thinking is a misnomer; it is more about doing that thinking. Bias toward doing and making over thinking and meeting
Narrowing your focus Last week you discussed broad populations or issues you might serve: homeless people, elderly people, disabled people, children, animals, the environment, literacy, etc. Today’s task: Write a point of view statement and present it to your advisory. needs because . d-Mindset: Craft Clarity Produce a coherent vision out of messy problems. Frame it in a way to inspire others and to fuel ideation.
needs because . Remember another d-Mindset as you consider how you will present your point of view statement: d-Mindset: Show, Don’t Tell. “Communicate your vision in an impactful and meaningful way by creating experiences, using illustrative visuals, and telling good stories.”